Decision x By x Majority (Pt. 2!)

Começar do início

Gon followed behind since he was still holding hands with Melon, giving a confused look to Killua but didn't ask yet.

The (H/C)-haired boy snapped out of his sleepy state slightly, catching up on Killua's pace so he wasn't being dragged so much.

Hey...I just want this to get over with so I can nap...Would it be too much if I just pointed out the flip board thingies? Melon thought while glancing down. He'd stop in place, making Killua and Gon stop as well.

"Something wrong Melon?" Gon tilted his head to the side while Killua watched Melon.

"Mm..." The (H/C)-haired boy only hummed in reply, shaking Gon and Killua's hand off which resulted in two sulky boys that yearned for their comfort back.

He made his way around, looking at the ground before stepping onto a flip switch tile, falling through with a yelp before appearing back onto the surface sitting down on the same tiled floor filled with random tile switches.

Gon and Killua blinked, not sure what just happened with the boy but the two came rushing over.

"Are you okay Melon??" Gon helped the confused boy up while Killua glanced at the spot where he fell through.

"So that's where everyone's been disappearing off to..." Killua mutters in thought, observing the tile that looked slightly off to the perspective white-haired boy.

Melon smiled fondly at Gon. Gon is such a precious cinnamon roll.

Gon spaced off slightly, staring into Melon's (E/C)-eyes with the light hitting them and creating a hue that was really pretty to the spikey-haired boy.

(E/C)-eyes blinked in confusion, a bit uncomfortable by Gon's staring before breaking eye contact, looking away a bit embarrassed before muttering, "Is there something on my face..?" He asked.

"Nope! Your eyes are really pretty Melon!" Gon smiled brightly at the (H/C)-haired boy.

"E-Eh??" The (H/C)-haired boy looked back over at Gon who smiled brightly. His face flushed red, embarrassed by the boy's blunt comment.

Killua grew a bit envious of the two with their interaction and Gon having no shame. He grabbed Melon's hand, leading him over to Leorio and Kurapika with a huff and jealous expression etched onto his pale face.

Gon tilted his head in confusion, watching Melon get dragged off yet again. He'd jog after the two lightly, catching up rather quickly.

"Kurapika!!! Leoriooo!!!" Gon called out to the two, waving at them with a smile which Leorio and Kurapika glanced at each other and headed to where the three younger boys were.

"What's up Gon?" Leorio asked.

"Melon found a way to get in." Killua simply answered, holding onto Melon's hand which was warm...Made him feel a bit warm inside just from holding onto Melon's hand strangely.

"Yeah, um...So the tiles here have random switches that make you fall in..." Melon explained the best he could, smiling a bit awkwardly from all the attention on him.

"Now that you mention it.." Kurapika thought about Melon's explanation, "There's fewer people here now." He hummed, observing around and only seeing a few people.

"I found four switches for us!" Gon cheered, waving his hand not too far away from where the other four were.

"Nice Gon!" Leorio cheered, heading over to where Gon was with the others following.

"Wait...But if there's only four then only four of us would be able to go.." Killua muttered, thinking.

'Ah. Here comes the part where I don't mess the plot up.' Melon thought before raising his hand and letting go of Killua's. 

✨𝗗𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗬𝗼𝘂 ✨[HIATUS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora