o n e || hogwarts express

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"I bet you're a Hufflepuff here" Sailor said cheerfully. Casey rolled her eyes playfully.

"No she's a Slytherin" Casey said with a smirk plastered on her face before it dropped.

"We never got your name did we?" Casey asked. Astrid felt fear rise in her because of her fathers name. She knew that others knew and although she did not for one second think her father was involved of what he was accused of, she knew others knew no better.

"Astrid S-Stellar" she stuttered out. She saw both of the girls look to each other and then back to her.

"Are you Tate's daughter" Sailor asked softly so no one else could hear. Astrid looked down at her fingers and back to the two girls who were intently staring at her.

"Y-yes" she replied quietly waiting for the girls to grab their things and leave. They didn't.

"So it was true" Casey said sitting back in her seat. Astrid looked at her confused and then to Sailor who sent her a light smile.

"Word gets out fast here Astrid. Everyone knew you were coming back."

Astrid sighed and picked at her fingers nervously.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk to-" she began but was cut off by Sailor grabbing her hand.

"Astrid, you can't judge others based on their families. Only actions show who you truly are."

Casey then spoke up as she placed her hand on Astrid's other.

"I know that for sure. Both of my parents were involved with you-know-who" she said sadly.

"And she despises him" Sailor added. "Your actions will show us all we need to know and so far they've been good."

Astrid felt a smile cross her lips as she squeezed the girls hands lightly. They removed their hands and sat back in their seats.

"Just please don't, you know, turn around and-" Casey began as Sailor slapped her shoulder harshly.

"Casey you can't say those things" Sailor said looking to Astrid with a worried look. At first Astrid's face fell but as soon as she sensed the sarcasm in Casey's voice she giggled softly deciding to make light of her situation.

"It's okay" Astrid replied. " I won't kill you, promise."

She held her pinky up and the the two girls smiled linking theirs with hers.

"Unless you give me a reason to" Astrid said with a smirk as she pulled her pinky away. Sailor's face went blank but Casey laughed softly.

"It's a joke Sailor" Astrid said patting the girls hand as the blonde instantly broke back into a smile. The group continued talking and learning about Astrid. They learned about their new professor and how she was staying with him as he was her godfather. They talked for what seemed forever about Ilvermorny and anything else you could think of before suddenly the train jolted to a halt throwing Astrid forward and the two girls back in their seats.

"Why have we stopped" Sailor questioned after she checked if Casey and Astrid were okay.

"I don't know" Casey replied. "We can't be there yet."

The lights began flickering before shutting off. Casey pressed her hand to the cold window, looking around.

"There's something out there" Casey said lowly. Astrid stood and made her way towards the door of their cubby before Sailor grabbed her wrist.

"What are you doing?" She asked panicked.

"I was going to find Remus, see if he knows why we stopped" Astrid quickly replied.

"Don't go out there Astrid, what if somethings in here?" Casey exclaimed.

"It's okay, I'm sure we've just broken down" Astrid replied slowly removing her wrist from Sailor's  tight grip. Astrid cracked the door looking down the halls as she heard whispers surrounding her. She felt the air grow strangely cold and her breath began to grow foggy in the air. She stepped out into the hall as the train rattled sending her to her knees. She stood and recollected herself before she spotted what she couldn't believe. A dementor had boarded the train and was opening a cubby. She began quickly walking towards it, pulling her wand from her boot. She reached the dementor who was already doing it's work and she held her wand in front of her.

"Expecto Patronum!" she said sending a white light out of her wand towards the dementor who immediately left the boy alone and started gliding away. She followed him with her wand before he finally disappeared from the train. She dropped her arm and slid her wand back into her boot before noticing Remus and a few others standing near her. She turned around to see peoples heads peering from their cubby's, including Sailor and Casey. Remus approached her quickly.

"Are you alright?" he asked worriedly.

"I'm fine but" she began as she pointed to the young boy now laid over on his seat, "I don't know if he is."

Remus rushed in and sat with the boy and his two friends. One a young girl with curly hair and another a young boy with bright red hair. They both looked extremely worried but when they looked to the girl they sent her a smile.

"Thank you" the girl said softly.

"Who are you and how can you do that?" the red head asked nervously as he eyed the girl in front of him whilst Remus checked on the young boy.

"My name is Astrid Stellar. I'm new here" she began and instantly the boy grew worried as did the young girl beside him. "I learned that at Ilvermorny."

"She was the only one in her class that could use that charm as well" Remus followed. The two young kids gulped still staring at her in fear. Astrid looked to Remus who waved her way.

"I'll explain it to them" Remus stated and Astrid nodded walking back towards her new found friends.

"That was incredible!" Casey exclaimed as Astrid entered, Sailor wrapped her in a hug before sitting down.

"I told you your actions speak louder than words" Sailor smiled warmly making Astrid return it.

"Now how in the hell did you do that?" Casey asked before Astrid laughed and began explaining while the train headed towards her new home.

stellar {george weasley}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ