2."Do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me?"

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---- Time Jump! ----
You were now in the 6th year. A few days ago Dumbledore announced the Yule Ball. You were sitting in the library, in your hands a heavy book. You heard people laughing and talking and you were distracted by girls sniggering in another aisle. "Who's your partner for the Yule Ball?" said one of the girls and immediately every single girl told with whom they were going out. You still had no partner. You hoped that George Weasley, your best friend and crush, would ask you. You've known him since the first year. You sat down and placed the book, Advanced Potion Making, on the old wooden table.
You opened the book on a random page and there lay a folded bit of parchment. You unfolded it, to see scribbly writing in it. It read: 'Hello Y/N, you may wonder who I am. Well, meet me. 10 o'clock this evening, Gryffindor common room. See you there.'
---- Time Jump ----
You told Ginny and Hermione what had happened but they didn't know who could've given you the parchment. You sat on your bed, your hands tangled in your bed sheets. You still wore your school uniform and rain pounded against the windows. It was almost time to go down to the common room. You inhaled a lot of air and exhaled it slowly, but that was just one of many failed attempts to calm yourself down. You heard someone running up into your dormitory so you turned around to see Ginny standing in the door frame. "I think I know who it is! I saw-" but you interrupted her. You didn't want to know, it was meant to be a surprise. "No, Ginny. I don't want you to tell me who it is. It's meant to be a surprise. Well, I have to go now. Go to bed." You stood up but your legs were weak and started to shake. After Ginny left you went down the stairs. It was harder to walk down because you were so nervous. When you arrived, nobody was there. You couldn't believe that nobody came so you called out. "H-Hello? Er- you said I should come a-and..." in that moment, a tall, orange haired guy stood in front of you. "George?" he looked you straight in the eyes. "Yes Y/N, it's me. And er- do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me?" said George, he seemed very nervous. "With you? George, sure!" his face immediately lit up. "Y/N I have to tell you something. The day I met you on that train I knew that there was something special about you, the second I saw you. And over the years we had so much fun. I fell for you, Y/N. Everytime you smile, I have to smile. Everytime you cry, I feel sad. Everytime I see you, my heart skips a beat. And if you don't feel the same way, it's okay. Just tell me, please." said George. You didn't know what to say or to do. "George, I feel the exact same way. I can't stop thinking about you." and then he hugged you. You weren't nervous anymore. When you broke apart you didn't want to let go, George seemed to notice, his body slowly came nearer and nearer, your faces were only a few inches apart. Then he leaned in and his warm and soft lips met yours. His fingers intertwined with yours and then you broke apart once more. You both smiled. "Well, see you tomorrow." you said, still smiling. Then you both started to walk towards your dormitories but you stopped in the door frame. You turned around, only to see George standing in the door frame, too. "I love you." you both whispered at the same time. You both smiled and walked off to your dormitories. You walked up a few steps, only to look out of the window and see a star strewn sky. You knew that the Yule Ball was going to be amazing.

From the beginning. George Weasley x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum