It Roars

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This is in Cady her POV!

Don't even ask how many times I got distracted while writing this. Or even FORGOT I was writing

Tw: adhd, autism, bullying, anxiety


Ever wondered how it would be to live in an exotic country. To be able to walk outside, and being met by the most beautiful animals and creatures. Your friends being the lions, birds and stuff? Well Cady Heron exactly knows how it feels.

Cady Heron, the 16 year old girl lives in Africa with her mother and her father. Ever since she was 4 years old the strawberry blonde haired girl had been living in Kenya.

Her parents are biologists, being the reason why they had moved to Kenya. Cady loved it there, but as she got older she began to feel the need to meet new people. Of course she loves the animals and the space around her. But she's 16, and it's not enough.

It's 8am and Cady is woken up by the sound of her alarm. Today is Saturday, meaning that her parents won't homeschool her today. Unlike most people her age, the auburn haired girl is excited for the day. She is excited to say hi to all the lions. And to give the elephants a big bath, which most of the time ends up in the elephants giving Cady a bath.

The blue eyed girl gets out of her bed and quickly gets ready for the day. She walks over to her parents and greets them with a hug.

"Good morning Bindi, how did you sleep. Any plans for today?" her father greets as Cady is grabbing her breakfast.

"I slept really well, I think I'm going to the elephants today. I didn't see them this week at all. Also going to tag the new lion cubs, if that's okay with you" Cady always gets excited when she talks about the lions. They are her favorite friends, although she would like some friends, who have actual hands.

"well, don't die out there honey" Cady's mom tells her and the auburn haired girl gives her a very confused look. don't die out there, why would I die outside? That's another fact about Cady, she has ADHD and autism. Meaning that she doesn't exactly think like the usual.

For example this situation. The blue eyed girl barely gets sarcasm or understands the meaning of figuratively speaking. Yes, her parents know this, of course they do. But sometimes, not often, they forget that she doesn't understand these things.

"Mom, why would I die out there?" a very confused Cady asks. Her mom immediately realizes what she had said and puts down the newspaper.

"Sorry Cady honey, what I meant was. Be careful with the lions. They'll be very protective over their newborn cubs. What I said was another one of those figurative sayings. I'll try to use them less babygirl" Cady nods and gives her mom one more hug before leaving.

"it's okay mom, you didn't realize. Bye guys" the auburn haired girl waves them goodbye and walks out of the door. The hot sun immediately hitting her skin.

But when she walks out of the door she suddenly forgets what she was going to do. Another struggle she has, her ADHD. It happens quite frankly.

She often forgets the smallest things. Not knowing where she put one of her books, forgetting an appointment or even forgetting where she left her hair brush just after using it.

Forgetting things isn't the only thing she struggles with. Another thing is hyperfocus, like when she's reading. She could read for hours and hours, without realizing that it has been 4 hours since she has eaten or drunk something. But when her parents are teaching her, she could easily lose her focus.

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