"Kid. She's a strong girl. If you think there won't be other guys out there willing to make it work with her, you're out of your mind. Don't let this job screw up the best thing in your life."

It was apparent that he had not taken his advice as he continued to miss every milestone his daughter accomplished, along with every hardship. It broke his heart, but only now did he realize how badly it shattered yours.

"I can't keep doing this. I need someone who will be here, Spencer," you replied as you stood, unable to sit still.

"I'm here now," he replied as he took a step forward. You shook your head, taking a step away from him and putting distance between you.

"You're never here when it matters. She was sick! I didn't know what to do!"

"You did the right thing taking her to the emergency room," Spencer assured as he desperately looked at you.

"It wasn't something I was supposed to do alone," you spat back harshly.

"What did you expect me to do?!" Spencer asked incredulously. "I was in another state! What could I have possibly done!"

"You could have come home! That's what parents do when their children are sick!" You exclaimed.

"How would having me there make any difference? She would be treated with or without me," Spencer replied with a scowl.

"It's called emotional support, Spencer," you replied with a scoff. You were at your breaking point. You had given Spencer chance after chance to prove that he would be a better father, to be a better husband.

"I have to go," you said as you sped toward the door, the turmoil of your emotions fueling your anger at having put up with such an unhealthy situation for so long. Spencer immediately ran after you, grabbing your arm and pulling you to a halt.

"We can talk about this. Please, we can fix it," he pleaded as his hands grabbed your face in desperation. He couldn't lose you. Not now. Not ever.

You pushed his hands away forcefully as you grabbed your coat and bag.

"Don't you dare follow me," you growled as you slipped your shoes on.

"Where are you going? It's late!" He exclaimed as he looked at the clock.

"I just need to be alone. Why don't you understand that?" You replied with a frustrated sigh. You needed time to think. You needed to figure out what was better for you, what was best for your daughter. "Take care of her while I'm gone."

"No, you can't leave," Spencer said frantically as you opened the door. He would follow you. You knew he would.

"For once in your life, be there for your daughter!" You yelled angrily as your chest heaved in frustration. Spencer stood frozen at your outburst, never having seen you react so furiously. You took a step back, unable to meet his gaze before storming out of the apartment.


"Something on your mind, sweetheart?" The waitress asked as you stared blankly at the food in front of you. You sighed deeply before turning to look at the woman.

"Long day, I suppose," you replied as you forced a smile. The woman nodded in understanding.

"Why don't I bring you a milkshake? On the house," she said with a smile as she walked back to the kitchen. You sighed deeply as you slumped in the small booth completely defeated.


You looked up to see the sweet face of one of the kindest women you knew. It almost came as a relief to not have to sit in silence.

Spencer Reid Oneshots (x reader)Where stories live. Discover now