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"Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh." Zoe gushes, tears already streaming down her face.

"That is definitely not an animal." Austin shakes, and all I can comprehend is the fear coursing through my body, through my veins.

Crashing and banging could be heard outside the door. No words can describe what is running through my mind right now. My thoughts are all jumbled up and I don't know what the hell to think. Is this really happening?

"Here." Austin hands Zoe a large chopping knife, and me a huge kitchen knife.

"When did you get these?" Zoe asks shocked, yet relief is semi-clear in her voice.

"Right before I found the noodles. I figured it was safest to keep some on me. I have more in my bag." he explains. I mentally praise Aus.

"Well at least now I know you have half a brain and aren't completely useless." Zoe says wiping her tears, as she holds the knife to her chest, ready in case of anything.

"You guys be quiet." I shush them, copying Zoe's actions.

Our bodies shake as the place grows silent. So quiet you could hear a pin drop, besides our loud shaky breathing.

Suddenly, the door to the bedroom was swiftly ripped off, causing us to jump, our barricade proving useless.

The three of us scream, grabbing each other, as we witness a tall dark haired male, muscles bulging, hands covered in blood, throw the door behind him like nothing. Well okay. Yup. We're dead.  

He looks angry, like hella furious as he pushes the bed further into the room and out of the way. 

My heart leaps out of my chest when out of nowhere, and before I can even process what is going on, Austin appears in front of me and Zoe, literally leaping out, ready to stab jungle man-Tarzan, but is forcefully pushed back against the wall next to us by his man's forearm. What the hell? 

"Austin!" Zoe screams, and I feel like I'm going to pass out. We need to think of something, and fast. My mind goes back to the window, and I nudge Zoe with my elbow and quickly look up to it, hoping she catches the hint. 

She looks at me as if to say, 'What the hell do you want me to do?' and I get pissed, tears pricking at my eyes. 

The man nears us, and for a split second I dangerously make eye contact with his hard green eyes. You could tell they were green from all the way across the room, sending shivers down my spine.

Zoe and I back up into the corner, huddled close together, knives behind our backs, and from the corner of my eye I see Austin slowly getting up. He dashes toward the man stabs him deep, in the shoulder, causing him to hiss. 

"Girls run!" He shouts digging the knife in deeper, and tears start streaming down my face, having to witness my innocent best friend hurt someone so badly the way he had to. For us all.

Zoe and I barely make it toward the door before Austin yelps in pain. I snap my head to see him curled up in a ball, the man towering over him. What do we do?!

He rips the knife out of his shoulder with ease and throws it across the room behind him, which semi-relieves me a little, knowing he didn't hurt Austin with it. But shouldn't he be like, dead? Or at least crying or something?

"Don't you dare fucking touch him." He growls lowly, looking at the wall straight ahead. Was he talking to us?

Austin starts screaming, a scream of pain and agony, and Zoe and I start freaking out, Zoe full on sobbing. I look down and see his arms covered in blood, and I scream. Blood trails down his temples as if something is scratching him deeply. I run toward toward him despite there being a strong as hell, potential murderer right in front of us, who literally just demanded us not to touch him. I bend down and grab him in my arms, him still screaming in pain. The man is just standing across the room, breathing deeply, just looking at us intently. How is he not dead?

"Austin, Austin, it's okay." I say through sobs, but it's no use. I don't even know what the hell is going on. 

He starts bleeding down his legs, long scratches running down pouring blood, and my heart shatters. 

"I said don't fucking touch him!" the man shouts walking closer causing me to flinch, as Austin yelps in pain.

"Run." he whimpers and I shake my head furiously, refusing to leave part of my other half. I look to Zoe and she looks at me sympathetically, eyes full of tears, before she turns around and dashes out through the bedroom door. There goes the other part of my other half. 

I could hear Zoe scream from outside the room, and the man is out the door so fast, and my heart starts to worry for her. Austin are left alone in the dark room, ans I'm a sobbing mess.

"AAHHHH!" Austin screams in my arms, and blood starts seeping through his grey t-shirt, spreading quickly. I have no idea what to do, and I feel like I'm gonna to pass out. 

Austin's wide eyes meet my own.

"I'm so sorry." Austin says through the blood piling in his mouth, looking at me with sad pained-almost guilty, eyes.

"No." I shake my head. "No, no, you're going to be okay, no. I'm gonna find a way, hold on. Please." I beg running my hand though his hair. 

"I-I meant w-well Mel, you h-h-have to believe m-me." He struggles to talk, desperately trying to convince me and I don't know what for.

"Please." he painfully begs, shivering, and I feel so confused. What is he talking about?

"I know, I know." I nod furiously.

"It's fine, you're fine. I would forgive you of anything, even of the worst crime Aus. I know your heart, I love you." I gush, and even though I'm not sure of exactly why he wants me to forgive him right now,  I am well aware he may not make it out of this alive and I don't want him going with and any doubt or hurt in his heart. 

His eyes look relieved as they start to flutter, and I start to worry more. I know this is it for him, and if that's the case, I'm sticking by his side in and through it all. There's blood everywhere, and he is a whimpering mess, and it's breaking my heart. I just hold him tight to me, reassuring my best friend of 12 years that it's okay. I keep telling him it's okay, even though I know damn well that it's not. I'm a sobbing mess, and it's hard to stay strong for him, but I just cant. He's so innocent, kind, extremely funny, and the thought of his soul leaving me, and everyone else in his life sends shocking pain through my chest. I feel like the world is falling apart and with one last breath, Austin goes silent. 

His body stills. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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