Chapter 1

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                Daniella tried to drown out the sound of his voice. The constant cackling and threats were taking a toll on her already crumbling world. Cole and Jay could be heard fighting over Nya somewhere in the monastery. Daniella could her PIXAL down the hall, crying. Zane was gone and the team was falling apart. Everything was falling apart around her. A tear spilled down her cheek.

"This was not how it was supposed to happen," she thought to herself, wiping her tears. A soft tap on her door broke her from her thoughts.

"Come in Dad."

The door opened and Garmadon stepped inside.

"How did you know it was me?" he asked, walking over to her bedside.

"You're the only one who knocks on my door like that. Lloyd just opens the door," she answered shakily.

"What about the others? Don't they check up on you?" he asked.

"PIXAL is heartbroken and hasn't come out of her room. Kai is rarely home, and Nya is always going out to find her brother. Lloyd's been in and out on Green Ninja business. Jay doesn't really talk to us anymore."

"What about Cole?" he asked, earning a sniff from his daughter.

"He doesn't care," she answered, looking down at the comforter of her bed.

"I don't think that's true," Garmadon argued gently.

"He loves her! He doesn't love me. Not the way I want him too."

Garmadon took a deep breath and gazed upon his daughter. He could see the pain she was in, the way she was trying to keep it all in. He reached and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and brushed a tear from her cheek. She looked up at him and he smiled.

"I know it's hard now, but it will get better and I think I have something that could help," he reassured, pulling a lotus hair pin from his pocket.

"This was my mother's and I believe that you are the next to bear the mark of balance," he said, placing it in her hands.

"Don't take this the wrong way Dad, but how is this going to help me?" she asked, gazing at the simple but beautiful pin.

"Did my brother ever tell you the story of the Great Library?" he asked.

"Of course. Uncle Wu used to tell me that story every night before he started assembling the team," she answered.

"Well, the legend is true."

"But Dad, the Purple Ninja always found the Moon Stone which turned into the Staff of Light." As if on command, the hair pin transformed into the fabled staff. Daniella gasped in wonder and awe as her father grinned.

"Your grandmother was the last Purple Ninja, and now it is your turn to uphold the mantle."

"How did you know that I was the next Ninja? The Great Library chooses the next one in line, not you. No wait let me guess, you read the prophecy in an ancient scroll?" she asked sarcastically.

"Just like your brother, your path was set many years ago," Garmadon answered sincerely.

"Wait, for real? Do I have to battle a relative? Because I don't think I have the heart for that right now," she asked, gazing back upon the Staff.

"No, no," he chuckled, "I don't think you have to fight a relative, but there is a great evil stirring. The spirits in the spirit smoke grow restless. I believe it is time for you to go on a quest of your own."

"My own?" she asked.

"The path of the Purple Ninja is a dangerous one. One that only you can face. If the others were to go, it would be disastrous. No one can know about what you do, not all of it anyway."

"Not even Lloyd?"

"Especially not your brother. He would try to protect you and only get himself killed. It is the best for everyone if you were to go alone," he answered, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"What if I can't do it?" she asked.

"You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. You possess the powers of the dragons, to create and keep the delicate balance of all the realms."

"No pressure or anything," she mumbled.

"Oh no. None at all," he joked, earning him a giggle. "That's my girl. Now come, I will take you to the ley line that is nearby."

"Ley line?"

"It is also called a Dragon Vein. The dragons use it to travel between the realms, as will you," he answered, standing up and walking to the door. Daniella stood and started to follow before she stopped and gazed at the weapon in her hand.

"I know everyone is sorta distracted right now, but how am I supposed to sneak this out of here?" she asked.

"The Staff is connected to your mind and soul. It will listen to you and take whatever shape you wish. That is why it was in the shape of a hair pin. It is the shape your grandmother chose to keep it hidden. Focus your mind and think of what you want it to be," he instructed.

Daniella drew a deep breath and held the Staff tightly. She could feel the Staff grow warm, as if ready to listen to it's new master. She tried to think of something that she could take with her without the others asking too many questions. As she was trying to think of something small and inconspicuous, her bangs kept falling in her face, tickling her nose. She tried to blow them away without losing too much focus, but failed. She opened her eyes and gave a small huff. Then an idea struck her. She closed her eyes and thought of the way the Staff had looked when her father had first showed it to her. The simple but beautiful lotus pin. She felt the Staff's shape change in her grasp but kept her eyes shut. Once the Staff had stopped changing, she opened one eye warily to see if the Staff had done what it should. Her father smiled. Daniella gasped happily as she held the pin in her hands.

"I see you decided to keep it as a hair pin. A wise choice," Garmadon commented as she pinned her bangs out of her face.

"It seemed like the right choice," she grinned.

The Master of Dragonsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें