🟢 The Greatness of Some. 1

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A boy slept in his bed, soundly grasping the covers as his chest rose and fell with his rhythmic breathing.

The boy was young, about twelve or thirteen, with fairly tan skin and chocolate brown hair.

Another boy, older by a few years, lightly stepped into the room and walked quietly towards the bed.

He had pale skin and hair so deeply black it was easily mistaken for a nice blue. He was tall and thin, though decently built, and excellently dressed.

The older boy shook the younger one awake, calling to him "hey, hey. Wake up."

The younger shrugged him off, covering his head with his pillow "go away... its early..." the boy opened his eyes just a little, revealing their bright green color "it's still dark outside..."
He pointed to the window, which revealed the dark sky.

The blue haired boy ripped off his blanket "wake up, Green. Father is dead."

The boy, named Green, snapped upright in his bed "What?"


The two boys walked down the dark hallways, the marble walls glowing in the dark while the cobblestones cast long shadows in the light of the older boy's torch.

Green struggled to put on his shirt, tugging it over his head "What do you mean dad is dead? You haven't explained anything!"

The fair skinned boy looked down at him, moving aside some hair that was obscuring his eye as he gave Green a severe look "I mean our father, the king, is dead. Snuffed out. Kaput. Out of time. Kicked the bucket. Gone. Lifel-."

Green quickly interrupted "Okay, Okay! I get it. You don't have to beat me over the head with it." He hastily finger combed his hair, not liking how it was sticking up.

"Your pretty slow. If I don't etch it into your empty skull you'll never catch up." The older boy said in stride.

Green scowled "why do you have to be so mean?" He replied, walking fast as he tried to keep up.

"I'm not mean." Came the retort "I'm just blunt."

The boy sighed and rolled his eyes "Cyan. Your a jerk."

Cyan furrowed his brow "I'll give you that one." He flashed a quick small smile.

They continued walking, eventually coming to a large heavy set wooden door inlaid with thick black steel.

The two pushed hard on the door, using all their strength to open it.
Ever so slowly it opened with the sound of wood scratching on stone, revealing a large room more ornately decorated and richer than anything else in the castle.

Inside was a throne, made of wood, marble, iron and stone. A red carpet spread the length of the room, leading to the throne.
The room was lit well, many torches and candles adoring the walls and work tables tucked close to the sides.
Hanging from the ceiling was a painstakingly detailed wooden chandelier, endlessly burning and providing large amounts of light and warmth.

Green stared up at it and remembered it was a gift from another king somewhere though he'd forgotten the name of the king and the kingdom he ruled.

Another boy, sturdily built and strong, stood waiting for the other two just beyond the door.
He had shining golden hair, perking up in the front, a sharp chin, and healthy pink skin.
His eyes were an unsettling shade of magenta.

He gave them a look and waved the two forward "come on. Vessek is waiting." He pointed to a man walking up to the throne who was adorned in long robes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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