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This is going to be a long one and it's going to be split into two... so strap in and enjoy!

-H xx

I didn't call Jack back. However, I had begun to read Jane Eyre and the book sat neatly on the bedside table, one page dog-eared so I knew where to pick it up from. It was slowly becoming one of my favourite reads; not that I did much reading anyway. I mulled over his number, written in slanted, rushed writing, for three days before I decided that I wasn't ready to pursue anything. Especially considering I didn't really feel anything for Jack.

And the mind-numbing fact that I couldn't really get Mason out of my mind.

Which was really fucking with my brain.

It was day seven of being in Penshaw Lake and I sat up, back pin-straight and legs folded on the cover of my bed as I awaited mum to come back from shopping. She had been over to Jane's shop every day since the night we went over for dinner and I could tell that Jane was bringing out a completely different side to her. One that actually laughed. One that actually wanted to be outside in the fresh air, not wallow in her own depressive state of mind. One that, for once, wasn't reminded somehow of Dan everywhere she went.

It felt like hope in every sense of the word. Penshaw Lake felt freeing.

"Oh you'll never guess what?"

Mum came barrelling in through the door of the hotel, pushing it open with her elbow as she brandished shopping bags in both hands. She set them down on the bed and brushed back the flyaways of her hair that were sticking to her face.

"Did you run here?" I asked with a grin, looking at her slightly flushed expression and heaving chest.

"I speed walked." She said quickly, brushing the question aside. "Are you ready?"

Without a word, I gestured for her to go ahead, wondering what had gotten her so excited.

"Jane has actually offered for us to stay rent-free in the B&B as long as I tend to it for her and pick up some odd jobs in the antique shop!"

"What?" I squealed, jumping up from my cross-legged position on the bed to stand instead as I stared at her in disbelief. "Does that mean you want to stay?"

"Yes I think I do," Mum nodded, matching my excitement with a grin of her own. "Jane took me to see the B&B today, Oh Heidi it's gorgeous! It's so cosy and homely with a real fireplace and its own little office space..."

I was almost dancing with excitement, I could barely keep my feet on the floor, "I can take Josie up on the offer at Blossom's! Do you really think Penshaw Lake is for us?"

Mum went serious for a moment and took a deep breath in.

"You said it yourself," She stated, "We can't keep running. Penshaw Lake has been nothing but inviting, warm and wonderful to us. I think, somehow, we were supposed to find this place."

I squealed, like no twenty one year old ever should, and leapt into her arms. She grasped me, laughing and we hugged tightly, both feeling ecstatic. It was a wonderful feeling, to accept a place as home. Sure, we would still be on eggshells, but they were firmer shells and we were less afraid of those that would break on us.

Heidi and the WolfOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz