❤️ Chapter 11 ❤️

ابدأ من البداية

GravityDefyingGarpe: Fuck you

I-smell-something-burning: When and where :P

GravityDefyingGrape is now offline

Catwoman: Lol well done

Pilot: I vote to change the gc name to Area 51!!!!!!!!!

Catwoman: No I'm admin and I decide the names >:D

You laughed as you read the messages and decided to text in the group chat. After all, you wanted to talk to everyone whether it was five in the morning or five in the afternoon.


I-smell-something-burning: AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I-smell-something-burning: WTF IS THAT NAME XD


You decided to look at the nicknames. You looked for yours and... oh my God. Katherine was going to die the next time you saw her.

Why did you name me 'NowIWillPleasureMyselfWithThisFish' Kath

Catwoman: Hehehe

Catwoman: I regret nothing

AsianDoctor: Okay, I might have snorted so hard that my throat really hurts.

TheJanitor: Don't worry (Y/N), I won't judge.

AnimeGirl: Well I'm not complaining about my name anymore

AsianDoctor: I'm unbelievably bored. Katherine, add me as an admin. I have an idea.

Catwoman: Just tell me in pms.

AsianDoctor: Okay.

I wonder what they're talking about

I-smell-something-burning: It's Taki so it probs won't be a good idea

Catwoman set Livia's nickname to AnimeGrill

I-smell-something-burning: HAHAHAHAHAHA I TAKE IT BACK

AnimeGrill: Fuck you seriously

AsianDoctor: No thank you. :)

Jesus, what did I get myself into...

TheJanitor: I am becoming increasingly concerned with everyone's sanity.

ScaryArmyMan: I'm slightly enjoying this.

Pilot: Hey, who wants to hang tomorrow

Catwoman: You do realise that if we hang out with you we'll get stalked by paparazzi right??

Pilot: Oh yeah... :'(

Maybe you should just come over to mine or something

But not too many people because my house isn't that big

And I have 3 brothers so...

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