"What's that?" asked Colby, walking behind Sam. He walked over and bent down to pick up what he now saw was a blue flash drive. He stood up and showed it to Sam.

"Was that there when we left?" asked Sam.

"I don't know," said Colby, putting it in his pocket. Sam grabbed his arm.

"Woah, you're taking it with you?" asked Sam.

"Aren't you curious to see what's on it?" asked Colby.

"No, not particularly," replied Sam laughing.

"Well I am," said Colby.

"What if it's incriminating?" asked Sam.

"Then we will give it to the police," answered Colby.

"And what do we say when they ask us where we found it?" asked Sam, putting the camera in his bag and following Colby back to the window.

"We'll make something up," replied Colby smirking and hopping through the window. Sam followed after.

Colby sat on his hotel bed and opened up his laptop, Sam was on his phone, on the other bed beside him. Colby took the flash drive out of his pocket and put it in the USB port.

"Alright scoot over," said Sam.

"Oh, so now you're curious," laughed Colby.

"Okay, maybe a little," said Sam.

When Colby opened the drive, a file came up titled M.C. "What does M.C stand for?" asked Colby.

"Matthew Clayborn," replied Sam. "The guy that owns the property."

"He must've dropped it there," said Colby. "Should we still look?"

"The guy did seem a little fishy," replied Sam. "I don't know. We will probably have a better idea on what to do with it once we see what's on it."

"Good point," said Colby, he clicked on the file and a giant list popped up.

"What is it?" asked Sam.

"It's a list of some sort," replied Colby.

"Let me see," said Sam, taking the laptop from Colby. He studied it more closely.

"Oh my god," started Sam. "Colby, I think this is a blackmail list."

"No way, really?" asked Colby.

"Look, there's a list of people's names," explained Sam. "Who they are, where they're from, everything. It even has a list of everything he has on them, everything he can use to extort them."

"Holy shit," replied Colby.

"We shouldn't be looking at this," replied Sam, quickly shutting the laptop.

"We should definitely give this to the cops," said Colby.

"Agreed," said Sam. "But we can do that tomorrow, it's late."

"Sounds good," said Colby, shutting off their bedroom light.

Both boys woke up early that day, they decided to take a closer look at the flash drive, to make sure that had any and all info the cops may need. Sam went out to get some air while Colby stayed behind to start studying the file. So far he hadn't noticed much, but the stuff this guy had on all of his victims was nuts, it could ruin lives. It wasn't long before Colby's phone started ringing. Colby set his laptop aside and answered the call.

"Colby Brock?" asked the voice.

"Yes?" replied Colby. "Who is this?"

"Matthew Clayborn," replied the man on the other end. "We met yesterday, I'm sure you remember."

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