A laugh

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[Dipper POV]

I couldn't believe my ears. I had heard a sound that was so rare in this house, I wasn't even sure what it sounded like. It couldn't be real...but it was real.
It was Will laughing. He had laughed. It was brief but...it happened. I peaked into the room it had come from. Will still had a smile on his face(a wonderful sight) and my cousin Azula, who I could put together as having elicited the laugh, was standing next to him, looking quite proud of herself. I was proud of her too. She had made Will laugh. I never knew how much I loved the sound until then. I wanted to hear it again in the future, but I want to be the one to make it happen next time. 

Author's note: I realized I forgot to give a description for Azula. Just so you can get a clear visual in your head, Azula looks a lot like the twins, but she's a little taller, about two years older, and her hair is darker. She usually wears dark blue clothes that are usually meant for boys. Sorry I forgot to describe her.

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