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There's nothing that can prepare you for seeing the ghost of your soulmate for the first time. That is an experience that hits you with every emotion on the Earth all at once. There's the happiness, seeing them again, truly seeing them. Looking into their misty eyes as you already had a million times before. The pain comes next. It's knowing that no matter how real they look, you can never embrace them again, your hands will never come together as one again, your final kiss is long in the past. Anger overcomes you as well. That manifests in the feeling of indignation that comes from the notion that it isn't fair that they have to be dead while you're standing in front of them, alive.

Fred struggled to contain these emotions in the days following. He wanted to tell people what he had seen, who had come to visit him. But at the same time, it scared him. A part of him didn't want anyone else to know. Cedric was his secret to keep; there was obviously a reason he had chosen to reveal himself in privacy. He had always been popular. The Hufflepuffs adored him and all the girls swooned over him constantly. He was often never seen without his closest friends by his side. While all of that was undeniably true, Cedric also liked the quiet. He could often be found tucked away in the library or curled up next to a tree on the grounds. Not many people knew just how much he liked it. Fred was one of them.

One night Cedric had invited him out to that spot they loved so much. It was just when the sun was starting to submerge itself below the horizon. The sky had already started to fill itself with stars, pushing through the dark shades orange and pink to show off their light. The pair didn't have long before they would have to return to the school; Professor Snape would never accept stargazing as a valid excuse to be wandering about. The precious little time they did have, however, was beautiful. Fred relaxed on the ground, staring up at the sky, arms behind his head and one leg on top of the other. Cedric was standing next to him. He was pointing upwards at the different faded constellations, listing off their names and what they represented. Astronomy was one of his favorite classes at Hogwarts, though he was never obnoxious about it. He showed his love for the subject subtly, through helping other students fill out their star charts and any other homework they struggled with. The patience he had when they repeatedly answered incorrectly was one of Fred's favorite things about him. He would never admit how jealous he was of that trait.

"Look up there, that's where the Gemini usually shows up, it's just too dark."

"Where? I just see loads of tiny white spots." Fred was laughing, entertained by how passionate he was.

Cedric himself then grinned as he reached an arm out to Fred, who took it and was lifted to a standing position. The redhead was lightly moved by the shoulder to face the direction of the stars he was meant to be seeing.

"Can you see them now?"

"Nope." He smirked at his ineptitude.

Cedric had been more than happy to help. They stood side by side. Then, sliding his hand over Fred's, he pulled their arms up together, and he pointed one finger towards the constellation he was talking about.

"I think I see it. Still looks like a mess to me, though. How'd you get so good at finding them?" Fred turned to face Cedric and moved his hands to hold his waist.

"Practice, lots of practice." They kissed as the stars came closer to watch, getting brighter to signal the day's end.

That was the Cedric he remembered well. The world seemed to have welcomed him no matter where he found himself, but the softer moments in life were where he flourished. There he could show what he cared about without fear of an onlooker's judgement. He would show you exactly where the planets were with a flicker in his eye that wouldn't exist around a crowd. He was happy around people, and he loved to joke around, though nothing was more genuine than being with him alone. Especially when he was with the object of his affections. So it made perfect sense that he would show himself to Fred and Fred only.

Little Talks | Fred Weasley x Cedric Diggoryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें