Chapter 2

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Madison's POV

I sighed applying a coat of mascara onto my eyelashes. I understand that it's Mia's graduation, but I refuse to walk into that graduation ceremony looking like I just woke up.

"Why are you wearing so much makeup?" One of my twin brothers asked

"Go away Kyrell" I shooed him away

"Don't be mad because I'm hotter than you" he stuck his tongue out at me

"You little shit!" I yelled chasing him only to be hit in the back of the head

"Watch your mouth" my mom said handing Rylan over to me

"Yes ma'am" I groaned rubbing my head

"You ok mama" Ry asked

"I am now" I smiled kissing her

"Come on y'all, Mia's graduation starts in 30 minutes" my mom yelled

"Why are we leaving now, we live 15 minutes away" I said putting on Kendalls jacket

"I want a good seat, and you know your dad is going to be late" she said and I sighed

My dad was always late to any of our events. Now don't get me wrong, my dad is always at our events. It's just that he's not really great with time.

"You're right" I said picking Rylan up and placing her in her car seat.

"I love this truck so much" I smiled

"Maybe if you get a job, then you can afford one" my mom smirked

"And maybe I can move out?" I mumbled

"What was that?" She asked getting in the car

"Huh?" I said nervously

"Don't get slapped" she started the car

"Yes ma'am" I nodded pulling out my phone

"Mom, don't you think that you dressed a little too formal?" I asked

She was wearing this burnt orange shirt along with her matching business skirt and black heels. Her long black hair was rolled into short curls.

"Don't you think you dressed too casual?" She sarcastically asked

"No, I mean it's just a graduation" I said

"So wearing hoochie shorts and a tight ass shirt is appropriate ?" She asked

"Mom, their high waisted shorts and the shirt isn't even that tight" I rolled my eyes

"Don't try and make this about you Madison" she said parking the car

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"Every time your sister has some important event, you always find your way into it" she said unbuckling her seat belt

"No I don't!"

"Her 4th grade ballet recital?" She said

"She broke her leg so I stood in for her" I argued

"You tripped her on purpose" she said getting out of the car

"She shouldn't have been in my way" I whispered getting Rylan.

"Tanya?" I heard a voice ask

"Liz!" My mom laughed loudly

"It's been so long" she sighed hugging my mom

"I know, Madison. Is that you? You've grown so much" she hugged me tightly

"Thank you" I smiled

"And look at you Rylan! You look so pretty." She said taking Rylan from me

"Thank you" she giggled

"So Mia is finally graduating" she said as we walked towards the school

"Yeah, and I've never seen her so excited" I said

"She's gonna go far in life" Liz mumbled

"Well what about Luke?" I asked

"He's a pretty smart kid" my mom said opening the doors

"I know, but all he talks about is being in a band." She said

"Ooh, so he dreams big" I laughed as we walked outside

"He reminds me so much of you when you were younger" Liz said

"What, How. I don't want to be a rock star" I said taking a seat

"I know that, but I remember when you were 16, you always talked about becoming the becoming the most famous surgeon in the whole world" she exclaimed

"And I would have done it to but,"

"This little Angel came into the equation" she smiled running her fingers through Rylans hair

"Hello ladies, I'm sorry I'm late"

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