Ch 20. The Beginning To An End

Start from the beginning

"Goodness where have I been? How could I have missed such an entertaining mess that is your life." Dawn snickered then stopped as May slightly kicked her. It brought a smile to Eleanor's face to see the two bicker like good friends. Being around good friends is what she needed the most at the moment.

"My life is like a poor reality series..but I'm done complaining about it, and I want to change my story. That's why tomorrow has to be perfect."

"'ll be a different feeling...performing with the Pokémon instead of just watching them." May said holding onto her Glaceon.

"We've got the energy, we got the talent! Right Piplup?" Dawn asked her pokemon partner feeling full of enthusiasm. Her partner was just as enthusiastic as piplup stood up proud and nodded. It made the other two girls giggle.

"Alright settle down, I actually want to hear some juicy stuff." May said yanking Dawn by her wrist so that she sat back down...well more like fell back down. Eleanor's eyes widened as she watched then she looked over at May her face scrunched up in confusion.

"Juicy stuff?" She questioned.

May nodded with a sly smirk on her face. "Don't play so naive with us know exactly what I'm asking for. How are things with As-.."

"Non-existent." Eleanor was quick to cut in already catching on her face fully flushed and she held her head shaking it lightly. She stood up and turned away.

"No time for boys...I will admit I feel some sort of attraction...but the last thing I want to do is add on another thing to stress about. Ash and I are good friends...for now that's all we will ever be. If he felt some way about me....he would of...." Eleanor stopped her rambled and sighed.

"You can't expect him to have some kind of prince charming mental mind set to where he's going to come after you with roses in his hand. The Ash we know is dense to these kind of things. He could be sitting there probably feeling something but not knowing what it is." Dawn said standing up walking over to Eleanor placing a hand over her shoulder.

Eleanor pouted and nodded. "You're was a dumb way of thinking." She said letting out an embarrassed groan.

May lifted up her hands and shrugged. "It's how we all think...we want our lives to be like a fairytale."

"We should head to bed....we have a very big day tomorrow." Dawn suggested pushing Eleanor towards a bed then walking to her own. The three girls got into their separate beds saying a quick good night to each other.

Within the next couple minutes both May and Dawn were fast asleep, but for certain someone laid awake overthinking the many outcomes of tomorrow. She tossed and turned groaning out in frustration. She finally gave up and got out of bed then exiting the room. She wandered the halls hoping that it would tired her out her feet dragging and her head was hung low...nothing seemed to be working. Her body was tired but her mind was racing. She managed to get to the lobby her eyes widened as she saw a familiar face.

"A-ash?" Eleanor gasped making the figure turn around. The boy said nothing but slightly smile, he gestured his hand for Eleanor to follow before disappearing down the hall. Eleanor's face flushed and she had to rub her eyes to see if she was awake.

"Forgive my brain for sinning." She joked and followed after the boy. There were no words exchanged between the two as they continued down the hall. Eleanor stopped as she noticed Ash walk outside. She stepped outside wrapping her robe around herself a bit tighter. She noticed him standing on the battlefield that many locals use when they come to the pokemon center.

"You're really's unlike you." Eleanor said trying to get him to say something. She walked towards him then stopped as his body start to shake. She gasped when she noticed the figure vanish.

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