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Sweeney's grasp on his memory was fleeting and very momentary. These last couple days have been a little more trying for the Leprechaun. Banshees, he was saying. Calling to moments of death. He wasn't sure whose, but an unsettling feeling had him guessing that if he wasn't in the spotlight, he wouldn't be far from it.

And his mind of course decided it was the time for blotchy reminiscing, threats from a life long gone, and melancholy's hollow embrace. All of which just pointed shamefully at his present conditions.

He was slipping. The lack of his lucky coin wasn't helping the situation either.

By some happy coincidence however his conversation with Shadow Moon seemed to have unsettled said man, to the point where he was willing to bring Sweeney to see a particular group of people he had met briefly in Wednesday's vicinity. They caught Laura on the way out, and after a brief explanation of the situation, ended up tagging along.

Shadow explained that some of these people could look into the memory of things, as well as other unusual skills. Memories of elements organic or not, and perhaps this could help Sweeney out and get a better grasp of himself.

The drive there was silent. Tendrils of tension could almost be plucked in the air. No one was quite sure what to expect. Sweeney only agreed because Shadow convinced him there was nothing to lose, and it was the only way for him to drop it and shut up.

As they got closer to their objective though, Sweeney of course started complaining, muttering under his breath about the futility of it all, and the stubbornness of going against the inevitable.

"Will you shut up and give it a try?" Laura interrupted him as they stepped out of the car. He muttered a last few words under his breath before lighting a cigarette.

The bungalow was of moderate size, wooden and old. Moss grew up the darkened planks and a warm light radiated from behind thick cream-coloured curtains. Distant voices could be vaguely heard. Neither of the men stepped up, leaving Laura to sigh audibly and knock on the door instead of either awkward coward behind her.

The voices stopped. A moment passed before the door slightly opened to show a sturdy round face with dark eyes peering suspiciously out at them.

"We're here for the seer" announced Laura in a bored tone. "What do you want with her" the face asked, eyeing each of them in turn. Laura looked back at the Irishman who seemed to think looking away would exclude him from the present situation, "For her to see someone who needs answers", she finished looking back at the door-keeper. "Do you have payment?" came the gruff response.

Sweeney grumbled with as much enthusiasm before cutting in, "Aye, ye'll get what ye want. Let's just get this bloody thing done with", he pushed his way past Laura and through the door.

The woman who was behind backed up, placing herself squarely between the newcomers and the rest of her group sitting around the table. Incidentally they all looked up observing curiously, a mug in their hands.

"So which one of you would be the seer?" Sweeney asked flatly, looking down at the three women around the table. The smaller one, closest to them, gave a quick glance at all the faces around the room before finishing on the Irishman, green eyes alight with curiosity, "that would be me" she exclaimed with little to no emotion. A moment passed where no one seemed ready to move or speak. A small smile creeped up the lips of the seer, "come on then. Have a seat. I won't bite unless you ask me to big guy" she gestured towards a chair with a kind smile.

Sweeney scoffed with a pinched smirk before making his way over and folding up his body into the chair. The seer looked him up and down, clearly a little impressed by his size. Shadow and Laura looked a little uncomfortable before the door lady gestured them towards a small couch at the back of the room, "care for something to drink" she asked with her eternal grumbling tone. The two visitors declined, preferring to sit and observe.

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