Wishin I was with you

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I want to wake up and notice that I'm not in my bed but in the bed of the boy I like. I want to feel your big string arms around my stomach and waist. I want to turn my head and see you looking at me with a smile. So I know that you actually love me. Then you pull me in closer to you. My back against your stomach. My skin against yours. That all I would love to feel that morning. I want you to trace circles on my stomach tickling me. You laughing at me stupid giggles. Then I give you a little push but you won't move instead you pull me in closer. I want to turn over and make eye contact so that we know that we can see each other without disgust. I get up grab the dress shirt you had at the corner of your bed and put it on. You get up and just put on some sweatpants. You look at me and sit me on your lap. I get up to prepare food to eat. After I'm done I sit next to you and we play feed each other and giggle. After we're done eating I take up your plate and mine to take to the sink so I can wash them. While washing you come up behind me give me a spank and wrap your arms around my waist. You kiss my neck and whisper "I love you" in my ear. I smile you, can't see but you know you made me smile. After I'm done with the dishes I go start walking towards your room. You start admiring my body even if I hate it. You like my legs, my butt, my everything. You run at me but I don't know and you pick me up. I scream a little but you laugh at me. I get embarrassed. You walk into your room and lay me on the bed.

My Little ScenariosΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα