Chapter 1

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"Ava! Ava, wake up! »

Ava's blue eyes open slowly and her head rises from the cushion of the sofa she slept on all night. She feels her mother's hands moving the computer and the pile of documents she had on her and putting them on the small table in the living room.

"Ava, come on, wake up, you got to help me plan for the music festival."

She rubs her eyes to get a better view of daylight and picks up her phone.

"you shouldn't look so hard for work, honey, look where you end your nights! "Goes up a tone Louise, her mom.

"Daddy called me this morning, yesterday for him. He still wants to know where I'm at with my job search, I'm sure." Ava blows away, throwing her phone across the couch.

"You don't have time to call him back, you have to get dressed! We're leaving in 20 minutes! »

Ava gets up from the couch, ties up her hair and heads for the bathroom.

They've been running back and forth since they arrived to the music festival. Ava takes care of organizing the stage and the microphones, Louise takes care of the food and drink stands.

Something has been vibrating in her pants pocket since she arrived, Ava decides to watch who keeps calling her like that, it could be an emergency. She blows at the sight of her caller I.D. photo.

"Hello, Daddy? I'm sorry, but I don't have much time. We're organizing the music festival with Mommy! »

"Ava! I've been ringing you for a while now... anyway, it's okay, do you have a few minutes to listen to me, I need your help."

Hearing her father's words, a gnawing gnaw of fear rises up inside her, is her father all right, she wondered in her thoughts.

"Daddy, are you all right? Nothing wrong, I hope? »

"No, nothing serious in terms of health, but in terms of my constructions yes..."

"The construction of the future school? Not going well? »

"We're running out of volunteers, it's not going anywhere, and the opening is in September! »

"I'm sorry for you, Dad, but I don't see how I can help you! »

A long silence settles in, her father may have taken it badly, she didn't want to hurt him but how could she help him when they are thousands of miles away from each other.

"could you come back to Cap Cod and help us like the old days ? »

"I don't know..."

" and since you're looking for work, once the construction's done, you could teach here in Cap Cod, the future headmistress would be willing to take you on, I've already talked to her a little bit about it "

Ava sits on the edge of the stage, she doesn't know what to say, it's true that going over there and helping them build could do her some good.

"you know what... all right, I'll come help you guys, and then we'll see what happens."

"Great, I'm so glad you're back, my darling girl. I'll book you on a flight in three days. How's that for you? »

"Yes, great! »

"thanks for your help, see you soon, Ava! »

"See you soon, Dad! »

She hangs up, looks at her mom who heard the whole conversation and is happy for her. She smiles at her but deep down inside, several emotions resurface.

Three days later,

Ava arrives in Cap Cod after several hours in the air and several stopovers. A car is waiting to take her to her father's home, her childhood home. During the trip, she contemplates this peninsula with its beautiful landscapes, its beautiful houses, its beautiful beaches of. So many wonderful but also painful memories. The car approaches the place where she grew up until she was 18 years old, nothing has changed, the house is still as well furnished, the garden is still as full of flowers, in front of the house, her father's boats still in the same place in Cap Cod Bay. The smell of this place had missed her so much. She got out of the car, took her suitcases and approached the stairs of the house she saw that on the front door the infinite sign was still there. This sign she had engraved with her parents to show the people who came to this house that love, memories were themselves infinite.

"hey! Are you going to stay here? "said her father as he opened the door.

"Oh sorry, I got lost in my memories," she said as she climbed up the stairs to give him a hug.

"I'm so happy to see you again, sweetheart."

"Me too, Dad."

"Come on in. Come on in." Her dad's taking her suitcases.

Ava comes in and sees that the furniture, the objects were still in the same place as when she had left with her mum. She smells a good muffin smell coming from the kitchen.

"I see you've started baking," she says as she enters the kitchen. She drops her bag, shocked at what she sees.

"Hello, Ava."

She never thought she'd see her again, her father hadn't spoken of her since she left. That's what she feared the most, meeting her in Cap Cod, except that here she is in her childhood home, where her parents were torn apart because of her, her bad and painful memories pass one by one in her head. She wants to run away again and that's what she does, she runs to the terrace to take refuge somewhere.

"Ava! Ava! Wait up! " yells her daddy, but she was already too far away.

After running, Ava walks to the other end of the beach, this place, she hasn't forgotten it. She sits down on the big rock on that part of the beach. She closes her eyes to hear the sound of the waves.

"I never thought I'd see you again, Ava Jaclyn Calder."

She turned her head to see that who was talking to her, his voice hadn't changed, the voice that comforted her so much when she came here while her parents were arguing.

"Chris? »

Hiieee, here an another story, hope you liked it ! 

see you soon byeeee xoxo 

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