Chapter 6

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Charley's POV
"There are many explanations as to why I changed myself.
I thought I wasn't pretty enough.
I thought that if I change one thing it'd be okay.
Every time that I looked in the mirror, I saw the Charley that you guys knew.
I was different than that.
I was broken.
At first, I only tried to remove this ugly burn scar on my face, but they couldn't, and ended up only fixing my nose.
In order for my nose to look fine with my face, I had to switch it as well.
Then blonde didn't go well with anything anymore, so I dyed my hair brown.
That's pretty much it." I explained as Izzy packed up for the night.

"Charley, you were, and are gorgeous.
Every single teenager thinks things like that, but you don't have to change yourself based on such beliefs."
Isadora smiled, trying to make me feel better.
We started walking down the street, until she stopped at a townhouse.
"This is where we live..." she smiled, and lead me in.

As soon as I stepped in the door, Quigley and Klaus were there, pushing me back.
"We've had some robberies." Isadora explained and motioned for the boys to step back.
Quigley took a couple of steps back, almost as soon as Isadora asked, but Klaus was more reluctant.
Eventually, he backed away.
I watched as Izzy went up and kissed him.
"Guys, remember Charley?" She smiled, as if she couldn't even believe she was saying those words.

Violet, Sunny and Beatrice then emerged from the kitchen.
Everyone looked at me in shock, and their eyes welled up in tears.
Violet ran forward and hugged me, while Quigley hugged me from the back.
Sunny hugged my leg, and Klaus patted my shoulder.
The only person who hadn't come forward was Beatrice.
I looked over at her, and she looked up at me with hurt.

"You left me." The five year old said.
Just like Sunny, she was impeccably smart for her age.
"Bea, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
It was for the best." I said, starting to cry.
"We could've got out together." She whispered, running over to hug me.
"God, I missed you.
You were just a baby when I left." I smiled and held her close.

I pull away and stand up.
"Guys, I need to find Duncan.
I think I can fix him..." I stated, almost scared to look at their reactions.
For a minute they just looked at me and each other, until Violet nods.
"We're helping you find him though.
He's our brother, our best friend and to some of us more than both of those.
We're helping you."
She smiled.

The World Is Quiet Here

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