Chapter one

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Stanley's Pov:

"Okay guys sleepover at my house this weekend," Richie said while holding hands with Eddie.

They are so cute together...sometimes I wish I had a relationship like that, but I know that I'll never get one.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice that everyone agreed on the sleepover and Richie tried to talk to me.

"Earth to Stan?... Hello? Stan?".

He clapped right in front of my face to get me back to reality.

"huh?" I looked at Richie

"dude, I was talking to you have got the time or not?" Richie raised one eyebrow.

"uhh for what again" I instantly smiled nervously because I totally forgot what we were talking about.

"gosh, Stan the sleepover!" Richie said.

"oh um...well...I don't know"

"just say yes or no"
Richie waited impatiently for me to answer.

I sighed. I hate Sleepovers with my friends, yeah, I know how this sounds, but it's true.

"Richie stop pushing him let him think," Bill said and gave me a comfy smile. He knows how much I hate pressure since my parents already put enough on me...

"Ok ok just..Stan tell me at lunch if you have time" Richie said and took Eddie's hand again to go to their classroom together.

"Okay bye guys I'm going too," Mike said while pointing at his girlfriend. Mike has a girlfriend named Jackie and they seem pretty happy together and definitely deserve each other.

"Yes, we need to go too," Beverly said, she grabbed Bill's arm and they headed inside.
Bill and Beverly are dating for one year now and It kinda make me feel sick...
I mean I should be happy for them since Bill is my best friend but I can't. I always feel so outcasted around them and also a bit jealous. Back then Bill and I used to do everything together, but suddenly a girl shows up in his life he falls head over heels for her and totally forgets about me...

"Okay bye Stan I also have to go, "Ben said, he walked over to his girlfriend Sarah. To be honest I really don't know what to think about their relationship. I mean they are cute and all but it seems kinda forced though. I guess they are only a couple because she asked him and I assume Ben didn't wanted to break her heart...but who knows maybe it is true love...

And now I'm standing here alone 𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛.
I sighed and headed to my classroom.

You care about me? ||𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ