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- just read that pic above! Too true-
I've been sleeping on she floor, for the past 2 days. It's not the most comfortable, but it works. Today, I'm going to buy furniture for my apartment. And, this will be my fist video! ' Help me move!', yep, that sounds about right.

"What is up guys! I'm Logyn Amario and this is my first youtube video! Sorry, in advance, I'm really cringy. Yall, like I'm talking to people, we'll anyways, I'm going to need yalls help making friends, I don't know how. I'm bad at making friends, so this should be fun!" I say, to the non-existent people that are my fans. I already bought a camera back in New York, so i know how to use it.

"First stop, big lots!" I say excitedly, pulling into big lots parking lot.

I parked my, black toyota camry, in the parking lot. Getting out, I grab my camera, which was on, and my phone.

I enter the store, and grab a cart from the cart place thingy. (Dont really know what its called 😅) let's do some shopping.


   after big lots, I went to best buy, just to see if I needed something from there.

   I looked through all the camera batteries, looking for a good and long lasting one. I couldn't find one, so I was going to ask a worker.

   After moments of looking, I had seen no workers, now I just need to ask a random person. I seen a girl with dark hair, highlights in the front. She looks emo/ sceen, and she's pretty short, compared to the boy next to her.

  "Uhm, hi, sorry to ask but, do you know any good quality camera batteries?" I ask nervously.

   "Of course, we're YouTubers, so I'm sure I can help." She said happily. Wasn't expecting her voice to sound like that.

    "Thank you. So your YouTubers? I'm starting a new channel but it's kind of difficult." I said.

   "Yeah, but you'll get used to it. By the way, I'm Tara, and this is my boyfriend jake." She says, looking through the batteries.

    "Well, I'm Logyn and im..... Single." I laugh.

   "Well hello Logyn. Hey, do you want to come to a party that we are having tomorrow night? Your a YouTuber, so I mean you can." She asked, making me thrilled to see I've made a friend.

    "Uhm, yeah sure. Can I have your number so I can ask you the address and stuff?" I ask, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

   "Yes, of course, here." She said, giving me a battery, also handing me her phone.

    "I just moved here from new york, so this is all new to me." I reply, typing in my phone number.

"Cool, I've ways wanted to visit NYC." She responded, as I have her phone back.

"Okay, I got to go, but I'll text you later." I say smiling.

"Okay, see you tomorrow, hopefully." She replied unsuringly.

     "You will!" I say, before walking off.

     Okay so party tomorrow, and decorating today. I need to hurry.


I had just finished decorating my apartment, when I got a text.

Unknown- hey, it's Tara, just letting you know, partys' at 9. Dress hot, there are lots of single guys!

Logyn- Oh, hey, thanks! I will see you tomorrow!

Okay, so, party at eight. This apartment is so chill, I'm happy! I did a good job.

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