There's A Dog In This One (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"How do you know it's a short errand?"

"Well, if it was a long one she'd move the seat forwards, right? But why bother to mess up the way her husband likes it if she's just popping to the shop?"

The lady had retrieved a bag from the boot of the car and was now entering the squat little corner store Y/N had barely noticed before. Sherlock had noticed it, obviously. Y/N nodded. "Okay, I get it. But you could be wrong. She could have just bought the car and not got around to moving the seat forwards, the seat adjuster might be broken---"

"Yes. But my conclusions are the most likely, so if I was investigating her and had to deduce her for a client I'd stick with my house-wife-on-an-errand-to-buy-nappies-for-her-small-child hypothesis."

"What makes you think she's getting nappies?"

"I don't only think she's getting nappies, I know she's getting nappies."

Sputtering with disbelief: "I bet she's not, you can't possibly know that."

Basil had finished with the dandelions and was now eager to continue his exploration of his new environment but Sherlock didn't heed his wishes, and caught Y/N when she started walking.

With a light behind his eyes, that confident look that both annoyed Y/N and made her fall a little bit in love with him, Sherlock asked: "What are you willing to bet?"

Y/N chewed her lip thoughtfully. She should know better than to doubt her friend's phenomenal abilities, and yet he had just stood there telling her it's all some elaborate guessing game, so maybe she actually stood a chance. "If you win, if she comes back with nappies I'll go to that shop and buy you some Nutella."

"You're on." He held out his gloved hand for her to shake and she did, knowing she'd already lost and was now mentally counting the change in her wallet.


The lady returned to her car with a jumbo-sized bag of Pampers under one arm and Sherlock just gave Y/N a grin that made her roll her eyes so far back she could see her brain. "Okay, how did you know? I know you're dying for me to ask."

"No, I'm dying for you to pop over there and get me that Nutella."

"Tell me how you did it first."

"I shouldn't need to, it's obv---" noticing her expression, Sherlock---smartly---shut up very quickly. "The back of the car has one of those child booster seat things, I saw it when she opened the boot. There aren't very many reasons why someone would rush to a shop this late in the evening, so, using what clues are available to us we can draw to the most likely conclusion that she's got a small child and has run out of something. What is vitally important for small children and easy to run out of? Food and nappies. It's unlikely their whole house has completely run out of food, and given the time, a meal could probably wait until morning. Thus, nappies. Now, my Nutella, please." He was giving her that stupid proud smile and Y/N raised her eyebrows at him.

"You think you're really clever, don't you?"

"I have my moments."


Y/N had bought Sherlock his winnings and their walk continued now that they weren't watching and betting on middle-aged women buying Pampers. Sherlock had handed Basil's lead to Y/N and removed his gloves so he could scoop the chocolate spread from its jar with one finger, placing it between his lips and humming in appreciation at the taste.

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