Overprotective Vincent x Adventurous Guard Reader

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Requested by VincetheGrape

"(L/N), Afton, you two are taking the night shift this week," The gruff voice of your boss said while keeping his eyes on his notes for the rest of your coworkers. Vincent's eyes shot to your way-too-excited expression, and the sudden urgency to ask if someone else could take the night shift started to rise in him. He knew that you would do something, anything to put yourself in harm's way. Of course, you didn't see it that way. You were just trying to live your life to the fullest, as you have repeatedly said to him. His rebuttal was always:
"Are you trying to live your life to the fullest when you're doing xyz?!" And your answer is always yes. You have been dating Vincent for about a year now, and you've noticed that he has been very adamant about keeping you out of harm's way. No matter the situation, be it going to the gym, riding in the passenger's seat of his car, or that one time you two went skydiving for the heck of it, he always makes sure you're safe at the beginning of said excursion or in this case, work shift, and also at the end of it. Your mischievous smile widened as you could feel your boyfriend's eyes looking at your expression. You could tell he was telling you:
"Y/N, please save me the trouble and just be good for the shifts."
"Any questions?" Boss asked as he finished going over the memo. You shook your head, standing up and walking out of his office. Vincent was hot on your heels as you were about to close the door behind you.
"(Y/N), I know what you're thinking."
"Whatever might that be?" Your voice went higher as you put on an innocent facade. Vincent's alabaster eyes lowered as he's been through this game before.
"(Y/N). I'm serious." You turned to your violet-hued boyfriend and ran a hand through his hair, further adding to the hairs that have naturally come out of his rattail.
"I don't know what you think I was thinking about, Vince," You saw that he didn't change his expression, even if you knew that he liked when you ran your fingers through his hair. "I was smiling at the fact that I get to spend six more hours with you..." You untangled your hair from his dark purple tresses and dragged your hand down his cheek, giving his chin a light squeeze before you walked away. Your smile returned as you thought about doing a grand tour of the pizzeria while it was completely dark and even more haunted.

The clock struck twelve, and the two of you sat side by side, Vincent on tablet duty, and you on right door duty. Every once in a while, Vincent would check to make sure you were on your best behavior, out of the corner of his eye. You were sitting still and following directions, closing the right door when needed, and rolling over in your chair to the left door when needed as well. Vincent started to get suspicious. The night was going very smoothly, and you were acting extremely out of character. Where was the (Y/N) he knew? The person who suggested that the two of them go have a spa day on their six month anniversary, and then lie and say that the two of them are actually going skydiving. The (Y/N) he knew would ride a rollercoaster with no hands and would let a giant snake slither over them and then dare say that it was cute. Vincent hunched over the tablet, scowling. He knew that you were up to something, and he was ready to spring into action.
"Hey Vin,"
"I'm going to run to the bathroom." Vincent sat up straight and looked at you sideways. "I'll be right back."
"I'm coming with you." Vincent stood up with you and started to walk behind you.
"Wait, seriously? To pee?"
"I just want to make sure you're doing what you're saying you're going to do."
"So you don't trust me then." You crossed your arms over your chest and stared Vincent down with the same unamused, unbelieving look. This was a game of chicken, and you were definitely going to win. The two of you stood in this eerily quiet hallway, sitting ducks for any animatronic to come and take you away to stuff you in a suit. Right now, they didn't matter. You were in an intense staring contest and you were not going to give up.
"(Y/N)." With a small sigh, Vincent turned around and walked back into the office.
"I won't be long, I promise." You scurried into the office and kissed him on the cheek. Vincent stared at the tablet and grumbled in response. Sticking to the shadows, you slipped into the bathroom and pretended to use it. A few minutes went by and then you realized that you had to actually go, and so you did. After you flushed, you washed and dried your hands, and quickly stuck your head out into the hallway. There was a camera pointing directly at the restrooms, slowly swiveling left and right. The red light was flashing on the camera, signaling that Vincent was watching you. You ducked back into the restrooms and thought about a distraction. At the moment, it was four a.m. and you were running low on ideas. As if the animatronics were listening to your thoughts, you could hear Chica making her way to the right door, robotic talons clanging on the floor, and indescribable moans of some sort of negative emotion filling the otherwise eerily quiet atmosphere. As soon as you heard the right door close, you made a break for it, sliding out of the bathroom and behind the towering robotic chicken. Sticking close to the shadows, you made your way past Chica and down into the Main Stage area. You felt a sense of dread as you saw Freddy and Bonnie turn their attention to you, staring at you with lifeless eyes (or at least they seemed lifeless). You felt compelled to keep your eyes locked with theirs, as if they were putting you under some sort of spell. Involuntarily, your legs started to move, dragging you closer and closer to the stage. The closer you moved, the louder their voices became. At first, you didn't hear anything, but you soon realized. He was right. Vincent told you before you started this job that the animatronics were haunted.
"Help me!"
"He killed me!"
"I've been here for years!"
"Let me free!"
Once you got to the stage, you stared into the now black, empty voids that were Freddy's eyes. They didn't resemble anything like his plasticky, animatronic eyes anymore. They felt supernatural. It felt like the heat was leaving your body as you stared deeper into the endlessness that was the robotic bear's eye sockets.
"Come play with me," A girlish voice said to you. "I've been alone for such a long time. He's kept me without a playmate for so long..." Your legs started involuntarily moving again. It was as if you weren't even in control of your own body.
"Who's he?" You asked once you stood in front of Freddy on the stage.
"(Y/N)!" Vincent rushed into the Main Stage area with lightning speed. He grabbed you by your waist and snatched you off of the stage, setting you down only once the two of you got into the safety of the office. "I should've come with you," He mumbled under his breath.
"I'm sorry, Vin." You legitimately felt bad. Vincent was scanning your face and body to make sure you were still in tact. Once he saw that you were alright, he enveloped you in a tight hug. "That was pretty shitty of me..."
"As long as you're okay." You hugged Vincent backed and buried your face in the crook of his neck.
"Hey," You said after a while.
"You said 'as long as I'm okay', right?"
"...Yes? Why?" The two of you broke from the hug and looked at each other.
"Are you saying that I can do anything I want as long as I know what I'm doing and I'm safe while doing it?" You looked at the door. And Vincent spread out his arms and legs, getting ready to lunge either way to stop you from leaving.
"(Y/N), that's not what I'm saying! We have less than 40 minutes until our shift is over. Just sit-" You rushed out of the left door and down the hallway as fast as you could.
"No looking at the animatronics. Got it!" You said to yourself as you went to explore some more.

Oooof I really do be rusty tho.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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