First Kiss

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Nick and I had been a couple for almost 11 months. And within those months were just full of texts and calls and then one day I just realized that there's no strong string that's been attached between us.

He's a good and sweet guy but I just felt that he was not the one for me. After he graduated at high school and moved to college, we never saw each other. I could still remember the last time. Of course, I would never forget it until I get old. Maybe!

I was in the market and texted him that I'll be off from home. Coincidentally, he happens to be somewhere near the market. And he told me to see him and wait for him . And so I did.

"I'm at the M.D. Got some medicines here. " I texted him my directions. I cannot come to him because I'm carrying some grocery bags.

"I'm here. Where exactly are you, my love"? ohh, the endearment. I read as my phone beeps. I looked around for him and didn't saw him.

"I'm just visible here in front of the pharmacy. Where exactly are you?" I replied to him.

"Here at M.D. Garden." He said

"Ohh, not the M.D. Garden. Just the M.D." I laughed in my thoughts.

Our market happens to have a two M.D. stores and it's a bit confusing sometimes so everyone should be particular in giving directions and I happened to be not particular. A little forgetful, it is.

He texted me back to wait for him again.
"I'll just meet you in the park, my love. There's no sit here.T.C." And then I went to the park with the things I bought and wait for him and finally he arrived with a big smile. He was tall, wearing polo shirt that's a little bit large to him but he still looks good. He was just so charming.

Then we talked for a while sittting on the swing chair. Just ordinary topic, like how are you? and everything and then he asked me what did I bought.

"Got some things for the house, some supplies and, fish.And I think, I should go home now. The fish might not be fresh anymore if I'll stay longer. haha."

I'm not just comfortable to the situation that's why I'm kinda rushing. It should be like, stay and make more time with him, but I was really uncomfortable at that time. I'm not a date person. I felt like everyone's eyes were on me, on us. What if one of my neighbor happens to be at the park at that time and will see me and then that neighbor will tell my mother, that's a dead end for me. Take note, I shouldn't have a boyfriend till I finish school. My mom's great motto for me. And me, being a good daughter, was dating at the moment. Dead!

Since he can't do anything to stop me, so he just nod and said okay. As I was about to grab the grocery bags, I was really shocked to what he did. He just kissed me, though not in my lips, near my lips, almost got there. Ohh, that was my very first kiss from a guy. My first stolen kiss. I found it quite romantic at the moment.

I blushed of course, and still shocked. Since I was shy, I didn't asked him why he kissed me and I bid him goodbye and give him one big smile from my heart. He was really my very first puppy love.

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