1. - The Lonely Tower

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- Really? Since when are you interested in what is allowed and what is not?

- Al, I miss my brother and I miss Lily, I know you really miss her, too, but school is not as bad as you act like. The others are nice, they are just... a bit like James. But not all Gryffindors are like that, you aren't, and I'm not, either. We have to fit in, and accept them like this, because otherwise they are really cool.

- Yes. Really cool – Albus rolled his eyes. He knew only one guy in the whole school who was really cool in his eyes, but he knew that was something his cousine would never understand. – Go to sleep, Rosie. I will go back soon, too.

The girl gave Albus a last angry look, then turned around and went back where she came from. Albus silently sneaked out of the common room and started to slink down the stairs. He was ont he first floor already, when he heard footsteps and before he could hide he saw the shape of tall guy coming towards him on the dark corridor. He should have known, prefects were always keeping watch in the whole building at nights. Al knew Rose would kill him for losing more points right after he promised to go back to sleep.

- Lumos – the tall guy whispered when he was standing two steps away from Al. Albus, who was staring at his feet until then, looked up and saw the uniform of the guy whose chest was right at the lever of Al's eyes. He was a Ravenclaw. – Oh, no, Potter, not again ...

Al recognised the voice and felt extremely relieved as he looked into the face of Cyrill Malfoy.

- Sorry – Albus whispered and begged Malfoy not to take points aways from him with his look.

- You're looking for my little brother, aren't you? – Malfoy raised his eyebrow. – Is he out of his dorm, too? Listen, Potter, I have nothing to do with you and your house points, I have nothing to do with my brother's house points, either, and I don't feel guilty for taking them from both of you, but I'm really tired of listening to my parents complaining about Scorp's behaviour all the time. I don't think I'm to blame for you disability to obey the rules of the school, am I?

Albus looked into Cyrill's eyes and saw there was a smile hiding behind these words.

- Sorry – Al smiled. – I don't mean to break the rules, seriously. I just can't stand spending all my time alone in the Gryffindor Tower. I just need to be out of there as much as possible, and not just as much as it's allowed...

- Not everyone is that terrible there, Potter – Malfoy smiled back. – You should get to know the Morriss twins, they are good friends of ours and both of them are really nice.

- But they are older than me, I can't share my dorm with whoever I want! I couldn't even share it with my own brother, which obviously would be even worse, but still, I couldn't, even if I wanted to.

- I'm sorry, Potter, really – Cyrill sighed. – You are gonna get used to your mates, I'm sure. It may be hard at first, but it gets better. I knew absolutely noone when I arrived here, and look at me, I'm a prefect, and perfectly happy.

- That's what everyone says – Al rolled his eyes angrily. – I couldn't care less that everyone finds their happiness here. It won't make me feel less alone. I hate this whole thing and you can't say anything that would help me unless you tell me how to get out of here without being noticed.

- Okay, little man, listen to me – Malfoy put his hand on Al's shoulder. – Go back to your dorm now and try to sleep. Don't even think of escaping from here, this is the best place to be on earth, I swear and you would regret it very soon if you gave it up now. It's gonna be wonderful, I promise. You will find your friends, it just takes a little time. I know your little cousine is a Gryffindor, too, you could hang out with her until you find the ones who you really feel close to. I'm certain you will find them, Hogwarts is full of good people.

- Like Voldemort? – Albus raised his eyebrow. – He was a Hogwarts student, too, as far as I know. What if my roommates are like him?

- You are more of a Gryffindor than I thought – Cyrill laughed. – Saying the name in the middle of Hogwarts... it scares the shit out of people, bro.

- Out of you? You don't seem frightened.

- Not out of me, but some of the teachers don't like to hear the name. You better take it seriously. They were there, and the ones who happened to be Slytherins barely had the chance to fight against him. Some of our teachers don't feel proud about it, they still feel the fear and shame, because they couldn't take their part in defeating him. Your dad is a lucky man, you know. Being a hero depends on two things: personality and opportunity. Not everyone has both.

Al didn't answer. He wasn't friends for long with the Malfoy boys, but he considered Scorpius his best friend on earth and they never talked about their families. However, he didn't hear much good about the Malfoys from his parents. He made friends with Scorp long before he learnt what his last name was, in truth, he was the only one in the whole school who was really nice to Albus, so when it turned out that they families weren't the best friends it didn't really matter anymore, but both of the boys avoided that topic.

- Now go back to sleep, okay? – Cyrill smiled and waited until Albus turned around and went up the stairs again, even though they both knew he would not return to the Gryffindor Tower.

Al Potter and the Chamber of SecretsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat