"You are being too emotional, this is--"

"No, dad." Mew didn't let him again. "You are being too cruel." He said before walking away with Gulf, not wanting to spend another minute since he felt like he was getting furious as he kept looking at those people's faces, including his father.They were all acting like it was something normal, but it wasn't.

It was wrong, completely wrong and there was no excuse which could make Mew accept it.

He was still feeling angry after driving the car for a long while.He was mad, he was so mad and nothing was able to make him feel calmer.Even punching those guys didn't work, nothing worked, he couldn't believe some people were able to look at Gulf's face, who was just a fucking kid in his eyes since the boy spent the most important parts of his life in that Area and he was already traumatized by everything they couldn't even see in their dreams, they could look at him being so hurt and sad like that, and they could keep hurting him.

It pissed Mew off.

He didn't want to face with the fact that people could be that cruel.It was okay cause it wasn't their son, brother, anyone they loved.It was okay cause it was some kid nobody cared.

That was wrong and Mew wanted to punch everyone who thought it was right, punch them again and again until their thick skulls would get it right.

Gulf was still asleep when he stopped the car beside the lake.He turned his face to younger and leaned his cheek on his seat, staring at Gulf with his calm eyes.

He knew the boy deserved so much more, he already saw how good Gulf was in his heart.He was someone Mew wanted to be. he didn't hesitate to punch someone in the face when he saw them treating the others bad, he didn't flinch to scream at their face.Gulf didn't care about what was going to happen to him, he couldn't stay quiet in front of heartless people like them and it was the most precious thing in the kind of world they lived in now.Cause everybody was turning into those people, they were not thinking about the chance of themselves being a fertile, any of them could turn out to be a fertile and it was enough to make people treat them with kindness.But the lucky ones were acting like they were the chosen ones so they were using the power they had to make others life harder.They should've treat fertile ones better than themselves, not kicking them into a dirty place like Area C but giving them somewhere even better than Area X.This way all of those kids would grow up with a strong mindset, not trying to not get raped or beaten up, Gulf wouldn't suffer this much if that place was actually somewhere designed to help fertile ones.No, it was designed to make them understand they didn't matter, when they mattered the most.

Mew sighed deeply, he was lost in his thoughts again while knowing he had no power to change anything.

He couldn't sleep for a lot of nights since his mind kept wandering around, thinking about Gulf and any way he could fix this up; again and again.

So it felt good to be side by side with the boy again.Gulf wasn't awake but it was enough for Mew, it was really quiet and the sounds of the waves were also soothing.It didn't take long for him to get pulled into sleep.

It was already bright outside when Gulf opened his eyes.He couldn't keep them open for long since a strong and sharp pain hit him right in his groin.He quickly closed his eyes, hissing and grimacing as he waited for the pain to get better.Soon he noticed he wasn't laying down, he was actually sitting and took few seconds for him to see Mew.

He quickly turned his head around, realizing they were in his car and somewhere away from the place he was held in.

"But..--how?" He mumbled, looking down and seeing he still had the hospital dress on him. "Did he--?---Am I dreaming?" He kept mumbling to himself, not knowing what to believe since the medicines they gave to him fucked his mind up a lot, so he was confused.

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