"eds?" he looked up at richie with large brown eyes and tozier nearly audibly awes, "pick out some snacks that you'd like. what're we thinking for dinner tonight?" eddie shrugs his shoulders, not sure at all what he wants. the boy wasn't usually this indecisive. that's until he saw a saucer of a pizza steaming on a rack, visually pleasing every customer that passes by.

richie's quick to follow the smaller, not wanting him to get too far ahead and lost, "stay close by," eddie hated being alone and tozier knew that.

"pizza for dinner?" eddie nods his head enthusiastically, a grin creeping on his face, "but won't that hurt your tummy later, sugar?" richie's whispering in his ear and it nearly wipes eddie's feet out from under him. richie's voice is silky smooth.

"you'll take care of me then, won't you, rich?"

"you bet." is followed with a wink and a smile and richie's now asking for an employee to prepare a hot, 12" pepperoni pizza.

richie doesn't notice eddie and how he's 20-feet away from him now. kaspbrak is searching for gummy worms. his headset is based around a five-year-old's and he's not even thinking of richie and how he's pretty much across the store.

eddie's finally standing in front of the large collection of sweets that included gummy worms. he's smiling and grabbing a bag, with richie unintentionally sneaking up on him, "edward kaspbrak, you gave me a heart attack!" richie whisper-shouts, landing a harsh slap to eddie's ass. he's lucky that no one was in the aisle as tears start to brim in his eyes.

eddie is groaning at the sting that travels from his bottom down to his thighs and he can't help but to be emotional about the action. there'd only been a few times richie had been genuinely disappointed enough to spank eddie.

the first time, eddie had been feeling extra sassy and let a string of curse words slip between his lips. richie had swatted him on the butt to let him know that hey, you're too small to be using such naughty words. all-in-all, richie was eddie's caregiver. just, neither of them knew it.

the second time eddie had earned himself a couple of spankings, he'd been bratty all day. it started with him throwing a fit because it wasn't his turn to lay in the hammock at the clubhouse. he'd angrily plopped on top of richie's long legs only to kick the glasses off of his face. tozier had been annoyed of him throughout most of the day, temper tantrums happening within each hour. once eddie and richie were alone on their walk to the kaspbrak household, richie had given him a few hard swats for being such a brat. eddie hasn't thrown a tantrum since and its been five years.

"i want you to hold on to my shirt, eddie, okay? don't let go." richie tries giving him a comforting smile but eddie can see the ping of guilt in his brown saucers.

richie never really wanted to hurt eddie, just to swat him hard enough to scare him into not doing what he did again, "you could've been taken, you scared daddy," richie whispers and eddie stops dead in his tracks.

his white sneakers are pointing inwards as he looks up at the dominant. the way that he stood held some sort of power that made eddie weak at the knees and when his eyes casted over his form, he could've melted away in to the cracks of the old tile floor, "c'mon."

with a tug, eddie's trotting behind richie, a tiny fist grabbing at his dark blue t-shirt.


i'm not sure if i saw fear or excitement within eddie's eyes, but god, did his gaze make my heart palpitate. i'd tried keeping a normal conversation after the apparent nickname slipped between my lips, but something was off. i wish it was eddie's shirt that was off but i'm positive that it was tied between the spanking and the nickname.

the annoyingly-squeaky shopping cart had come to a hault in line once we had filled it up with various different foods that ranged from vanilla ice cream to chimichangas.

the ride home wasn't too bad, the rain had helped a lot with the silence, as the radio to the yellow car never did work well. usually, if you wanted to listen to music, you'd make the music.

"eddie?" i ask as we've stopped at a red light.

"mhm?" he turns towards me and i can only look at him for a split second due to the light turning green. i wish i could freeze time.

"what's your boyfriend's name?" here goes nothing.

at first, he looks confused, "i- i don't have a boyfriend," he says, innocently.

"would you like to?... have a boyfriend? that is me? maybe?" my chest physically aches and i'm pulling into the drive way of the house. eddie hasn't said anything and i can't help but to worry, "i promise i'll take care of you. always. i swear, i'm not a giant mess and i can shower more for you and i'm a good cook, ask abby. i just-," i can barely breathe.

when the car is in park, i take a peak at the boy i'd been in love with for so many years and how randomly, i had grown the courage to ask him to be mine and mine only.

he's looking at me, mouth agape slightly and his cheeks are the color of apples, blotchy and blushing and beautiful. he takes a deep breath and my hands are numb, i want to touch him so badly.

"well, it took ya long enough," eddie says just above a whisper. there's a smile creeping on to his pretty, perfect lips and they deserve to be warmed up by mine.

he smiles so wide, his cheeks make his eyes squint. on top of his cheeks, freckles are scattered everywhere. even a handful on his petite little nose. he's the epitome of beauty, i swear.

eddie kaspbrak is my boyfriend.

eddie kaspbrak is my boyfriend.

eddie kaspbrak is my boyfriend

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