Chapter Sixteen - Last day

Start from the beginning

"UHH- I totally forgot about that." Michael said, giving a small laugh while rubbing the back of his neck.

"You guys are pathetic!" Sufiyyah rolled her eyes. "Lets go in together. I know their sizes."

The went Jewelry store and bought two simillar pairs of rings, they wanted it to match. Everyone finished up with their shopping and went home. Little ol' Aaron kept was staring at Sufiyyah the whole time. And Faaris was

observing Aaron the whole time.

They reached the apartment and Michael pulled Sumayyah's sleeve, leading her to a corner. No, he did not touch her. He dragged her by the sleeve. He showed her the rings.

"Woah. Looks expensive. What are you gonna do with that?"

"Im giving it to you Mayyah. Here. Open up your hand."

"I can't! It too expensive. You use it."

"I have one for me too. See?" He showed his hand. This is to signify that Im yours and your mine." Michael smiled.


Zachary pulled Maisarah to a corner. He showed her the ring.

"What's that?"

"A ring."

"Well obviously. Whats it for?"

"It's a sign."

" Of what?"

"Of us."

"So why are you showing me this?"

"It's for you, silly. Im giving it to you!"

"Im not wearing it." She said bluntly.

"Why not?" he asked, heartbroken.

"It's too distracting. I cant do my things properly. The gem is so sparkly to top it all off. Not that I dont like it. Its pretty." she complimented it, admiring it.

"As your future husband I order you to use it!"

"What make you so sure that you'll be the one??!!"

"I just know. Heeheee." Zach smiled cheekily.

"...Fine." Maisarah said turning to a side to act pout. Zachary found that very adorable.

After prayers they did some studying, Today's about the story of the Prophet that dealt with a large amount of hatred to the extent rubbish was thrown at him. Rubbish as in poop and things you DONT want to know what.

And how to read the Quran. Things were going okay. Sufiyyah decided to end the lessons when she saw Nathan half asleep. Poor boy. Excluding Faaris and Aaron, the lads took a short nap. Sufiyyah prepared lunch and left

the two alone. They were just staring at each other. With unreadable expressions. After a while, Faaris decided to go and buy Eclairs at the restaurant below. He took his phone and ran down.

He was paying for the food he bought and he heard the whispers and squealing of fans. He was quite surprised that none of them jumped at him. YET. Well, its good that way.

'Why cant they leave me alone?' he took the eclairs and turned to the fans. He gave a smile. "I want to be alone! Dont come after me alright? Love you guys!" he said making the people scream. They followed what he said.

'Easy.' Then his thoughts went back to the one girl. Sufiyyah. 'She wouldve just smiled back.' he gave a small smile. Faaris got a text.


From Aaron.

'Im making my move. <3' it says.

Faaris could hear Aaron saying that. He ran for the lift. 'Shit. Shit. Shit. NO. Aaron you jerk.'

Some fans were blocking his way. He gave them a chilling glare and they got the message. A thing about some fans is that they understand when their idols need space.

He got there and opened the door. He saw what he never wanted to.

"Sufiyyah, would you be my girl?" Asked Aaron, looking at Faaris with a jerky smile, as if he planned all of it.


A/N: Hey there! Im forcing myself to make quick uploads. So basically, I am almost done with my whole story, I just need to upload them. And holidays are coming so expect quick uploads! :D Im now motivated, my stories are getting ranked, so, Hooraaaay! Thank you! Ill upload soon! Cheerios!

Your stupid, annoying, untalented Author

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