The Menace

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"What the fuck is that?"

A tiny gasp escaped from Rose's lips as she jumped down from her chair and stomped towards the two adults in the room. Theodore Nott's eyes widened when the young girl comically placed her hands on her hips and stared him down. Funnily enough, she was terribly small and Theo was towering her, but Draco felt it was the reverse.

"Mama said no bad words, Mister!" she cried, complete with a wag of her finger. Draco lifted an eyebrow, thoroughly amused, and bet his whole Quidditch figurine collections that she was perfectly imitating her mother.

Theo thought so, too, as he now directed his wide eyes at his best mate. "Holy shite," he whispered, almost breathlessly, "Mini Granger."

A snort escaped from the blond. He looked down at the still angry girl and sighed. "Rose," he said. "Why don't you leave these two adults to talk, yes?'

"I'm a big girl too!" she cried, her hair growing bushier and bushier. "I'm an adult! I can talk to you."

Draco rolled his eyes as Theo mouthed another 'holy shite'. "Yes, and big girls like you should be obedient," he offered. When she still stood her ground and even crossed her arms, Draco scowled and gestured at her abandoned playthings. "I think Captain Birch and the Tornados need you right now."

Upon the mention of her favorite Quidditch team, a huge smile broke out of her face and she went back to her seat and proceeded to play with Draco's prized, limited edition figurines. He tried not to flinch as Rose crashed one player with another, their tiny protests falling into the deaf ears of the blissfully happy child. Draco silently apologized to his collections and made a mental note of buying new ones in case his toys died at the hands of the overly zealous fan.

"Okay, adult talking time," Theo said, grabbing Draco's arm and dumping him on the couch. Draco scowled at being manhandled, but the other man ignored him and plopped down beside him. "Care to explain why there's a Mini Granger in your flat?"

"She's a Weasley," he droned matter-of-factly.

Theo waved a dismissive hand. "Technicalities," he flippantly said. He then proceeded to wildly gesticulate towards the general vicinity of the happy child. "Bloody hell, look at her. Save from her ruddy hair, she's the perfect imitation of Hermione Granger."

"She doesn't have her eyes," Draco supplemented.

His best friend gave him a weird look, and then snorted. "Oh right, I forgot how you conveniently know everything about our favorite War Heroine."

Draco chose to ignore his comment and willed his pale cheeks not to color.

"Last time I dropped by, which was yesterday morning mind you, you were a perfect bachelor -living the perfect life and now, look at you, a bloody babysitter." Theo snickered as he shied away from Draco's pointy elbow. "What the hell happened, Draco?"

The Malfoy heir sighed through his nose and slumped on his seat. "Granger happened," he deadpanned. "She and her daughter visited last night." He wearily massaged his temples and closed his eyes. "For the abridged version, she's off somewhere in China with Potter, chasing Rodolphus Lestrange, who was apparently Weasley's murderer."

Theo whistled under his breath. "Blimey," he said. "No offense, mate, but your uncle is batshit crazy like Bellatrix."

"Yes well, it runs in the family," he wryly joked.

"Apparently, you're batshit crazy too for letting Granger's daughter stay with you!"

Draco scowled and crossed his arms. "Well what was I supposed to do?" he snapped back. "Granger was desperate and I had no choice."

The Babysitter (Dramione Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें