"And why do you want such a thing?"

"You aren't going to pull out your sword?"

"Why should you? You pose me no threat."


"At all."

"Oh, bold of you to assume such things pink. Do you need a reminder of what happened earlier?"

"Takeru, no matter how messed up your head is at the moment, no dark magic is powerful enough to make you hurt us to no recovery."

"Maybe, or maybe I just can't hurt you that much."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"What do you think it means?"

"I think it's a poor attempt to seduce me into thinking something ridiculous."

"Ridicules? I guess you didn't see how I held back last moment before my strike before that idiot jumped in the way. Well, maybe i should be a bit thankful for him."

He reached forward and took ahold of her chin gently. Her eyes were unwavering. She knew this was just an allusion; he was attempting to fool her.

"I saw you, and I just suddenly couldn't possibly hurt you that way."

She pushed his hand away with still eyes before she spoke.

"If you expect me to believe such a pathetic act, you're defiantly not in your right mind."

"Oh Mako, this is no act. I haven't forgotten anything. It's those thoughts that made me find you now. You've been in Hawaii for a while, but before you left, I didn't understand myself yet. I like you, I have for some time now, but it wasn't something i could bring myself to tell you over the phone. Besides, we rarely talked about your life in Hawaii, i didn't know if you had found someone, and you had yet to tell me or anything like that. So I decided to stay silent until you returned. I was positive you would retune at some point, but i thought it would be under different circumstances."

"I don't believe you."

He closed the space between the two faster than she could blink, and when faced with his eyes once again, her guard wavered dramatically. They were his eyes, his honest eyes. Had they have been that when he spoke just now or was this some trick.

"You know me, Mako, you know i am not an easy man, nor is it effortless for me to open myself up. It was so hard for me to realizes the importance of friendship. But now we're talking about romance, the idea of loving someone, wanting to be with someone for a long time. To wake up next to them in the morning and go to sleep with them at night. Spend every waking moment with them. Start a family of our own. I couldn't understand anything other than being a samurai lord."

"What is your point with this?"

"Join me, Mako."


"Be the head of the Shiba clan with me; we can rule together happily. I can tell how you feel about me. Join me, and it can all be ours. We will marry once this is all over. I know that's what you want—a big wedding with all your family and friends. Then we live in our home forever. We start our family. We have children that look just like us. Ah, i can see it now—a small girl with your pale skin and endearing eyes. And a little boy just like me. Both of them spoiled by us."

She didn't reply to him but watched to see if his eyes would tell her if he was himself or not.

"Your right, i like you. And what you say does sound wonderful to have. but if I were to agree to this, we wouldn't be happy."

"Why not?"

"Because it wouldn't be real.",

She tried to push him away and free herself, but he refused to let her go. Instead, he tightened his grip around her waist, making her moving almost impossible. She could only squirm in his hold.

"It would be real; we would be real. Our power would be real. Mako, you just need to make it."

"Takeru, i won't join you. Not like this. I dedicate my life to serving you as your comrade and friend for the good of the earth. Even if you are telling the truth about how you feel about me, i will not endanger our friends and everything we've fought for."

He smiled, yet he avoided her eyes. When he once again felt her try to free herself from his grip, he still couldn't bring himself. However, he still needed to make himself clear. He stopped her resisting by cupping her face before placing a sweet kiss on her lips. She was surprised and too overwhelmed to fight back. She knew he was in his right mind, but his kiss felt wrong. She was screwed due to her body reacting before her mind could catch up with it and kissed him back. In their back and forth, she could feel him smile happily at her reply. When they broke up for air, her brain ran faster than a bullet train to catch up with what just happened.

"I'll let you go this time. I can't say our next meeting will be as pleasant, Pink. But my offer still stands. When you realize how much better it would be to live my way, ill be waiting for you."

After being left alone, she returned to her friends pretty dazed, much to their concern. In the end, they saved Takeru, but everything he had done was wiped from his memory like he had fallen asleep the day before and woke up for the first time when he was back to normal.


Mako knew right away he wouldn't know what she was talking about if she brought it up. But the event was too recent for her just to forget or disregard. If he meant all he said, she fears she will never know, beginning to bring herself out of her mind. She once again contemplated her options; no one else knew about their private moments. But they all noticed how strange Mako was behaving now. She was usually the one to speak up or deescalate situations. She was very crucial to their relationship, but she seemed to keep to herself for unknown reasons.

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