Story of My Life

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Dedicated to Katie for giving me the idea...without even knowing it! Seriously...if you hadn't told me you were going to Egypt, and you just snuck off, I wouldn't be envious (because of all the vacations you go on). SO...I wouldn't have thought of my vacations and how awesome they were, so I wouldn't have remembered all this other great stuff that goes great in one's life story! XD OMG That's indirect. Oooh! It's also dedicated to you because you're one of my best fwiends. :3 And other peeps, stop getting offended. You're awesome, too!!! :D

How about we start with the stats 'n facts? The beginning. The stuff you absolutely NEED to know, or you'll be lost by the third chapter. Or something like that.

Name: Lisa Samantha Conto. Almost everyone calls me Lisa. I don't have a "common nickname". Many friends just call me each by different nicknames. Some as simple as Lis, others crazy and unrelated to my real name. My best friend Irene calls me Misty, after my favorite Pokèmon character. My cousin Laura calls me Rose because of an inside joke that would take eternity to explain. How about we keep it simple: unless you have a nickname for me already, or want to think of one, call me Lisa.

Hometown: *sighs* Do I really have to give that away? Fine, fine. Some of you know, anyway. Ocean City, New Jersey. In America. (Duh.) I've lived in the same house since birth. A house near the beach that is FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Birthday: July 9, 1999 (Me is 13 as of the publishing of this chapter! I just saved you from doing basic math. xP)

Family: I live with my mom and dad (in other words, my parents aren't divorced or anything), sister Carly (we're identical twins) and brothers Chucky and James. I have a fish named Nemo, a dog named Chloe, and a bunny named Snowflake. All of my pets are adorable. Even the fish is. If you saw him you'd agree.

Likes/Dislikes: Hmmm....first off, I have more likes, but the dislikes are just stronger. And no, I'm not naming everything. Do you know how long that would take? Well, anyways, I LIKE Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, animals, friends, Wattpad, Quibblo, YouTube, Kaleb Nation, Damon Fizzy, FMA, Angel Beats!, Pokèmon, The Middle, American Idol, The Band Perry, playing my guitar, singing, Adele, Kenny Chesney, Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, chocolate, a lot of foods, swimming, surfing, the beach, and art. My dislikes? Most of the people I know, most of the people at my school, perverts, bugs, bullies, Justin Bieber, and the Jonas Brothers. Whew! And you better not hate on me for my likes and dislikes, or I WILL get you. For real. *innocent face*

Hobbies: Weeeeeeeelllllll. I play the guitar and I'm on the swim team. I surf, swim, draw and sing (like I said in my likes) although I'm not great at any of those things. Okay, I'll admit it, I guess I'm a good surfer. ALRIGHT, FINE! I'm the beach champion. According to my friends, at least...

Other Random Facts: I created my own perfume called Heaven. I was dropped on my head as a baby (I'm not kidding. That's probably why I'm crazy. :P), my siblings (really James) and I made this thing called Team Pokèmon. It was created JUST for trading cards, playing, and watching Pokèmon! IT IS EPIC! Ooh. And...I WANT PIE. Haha...yeah, I'm random...Hence the other RANDOM facts...

Okay! I think that's all that you need to know! Now you won't be confused! Yay! Okay. I'll admit it. You might get confused; I don't know how your brain works, and how compatible it is with my thinking, but...haha, yeah, I'm kidding...XD...or at least I think I am? O.o XD

That's all I've got! Sorry this was so short! I'll try to update this quickly, just so you know. You're welcome. xD...An autobiography....this'll be easy! It's more different than anything I've ever done before, though! And it'll probably be funner to write (is funner a word? Oh, well, it is in Lisa Language). And, as you can tell, this story is very...simple and relaxed. I mean, it's not like I expect it someday be published and sold in stores...I'll be sure to edit it before doing that. ;)


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