"Do have a clue on what's going on?" You both asked at the same time. You let out a small chuckle as you looked up at him. "Sorry about that. I guess we have the same idea." You mumbled as you rubbed the back of your neck.

He nodded, "I guess we're in the same situation. Well I guess we should look around, maybe that'll give us some answers." You nodded, and began looking once more, hoping to find some answers this time.

      "Hurry! I want to make sure we're on time to see them!" The same familiar voiced called out once more. This time you finally got a good look of her. You immediately froze, not completely believing what you saw.

      The girl looked exactly like you.

      You turned to the other guy, trying to see if he looked liked who you assumed he would look like. And sure enough, the other guy looked exactly like Todoroki.

"What the fu-"

Suddenly everything was spinning once again and the scene changed once more. This time it seemed as if it was a wedding venue. You looked around, trying to figure out what time period it was.

      After a bit of guessing, you gave up. Time periods were not your strong suit. You felt Todoroki stand next to you, nudging your arm to show you something. Well more like someone.

Just like before, the only two people in focus were people who looked just like you two. You had a suspicion you knew what was happening, only one thing was bothering you. Why now of all times?

"They look around our age again," Todoroki pointed out as the two stood in front of each other. Just as they were about to kiss, the scene changed once more.

      This time it seemed as if what was taking place didn't happen in the past like the other two. It looked like it was an alternative universe.

Everywhere you looked, someone was showing off some super cool super power. It seemed as if everyone had something.


      You both turned your heads to see two people run out of a building. They both held an arm of what you could only assume was a villain. They handed the guy off to the police who were on standby and smiled at each other.

You were so focused oh them, you hadn't felt Todoroki place an arm on your shoulder. You jumped at his touch but quickly calmed down. "Look it's us again." Todoroki pointed out.

      Soon the press started to swarm the two heroes. All asking the same questions. What was it like working with the love of your life? How did they balance life and work? Was it ever nerve wracking having to go into dangerous situations wondering if you'd ever see each other again.

They just turned to each other, the same lovestruck look in their eyes like everyone else you had seen today. As they answered the press's questions the scene changed once more.

      After the third time, you and Todoroki has gotten used to the blurring changes. After a couple of more times of the same thing happening, the two of you appeared in what appeared to be your world. The only thing different was that it appeared to see through, as if the two of you were peering into your world.

      But this time it was just the two of you. You turned to Todoroki, wondering if he was thinking the same thing as you.

"So everyone we saw was-"

"Us. Yeah I think so." You interrupted. You turned to see him furrowing his brows. To be honest, it was kinda cute.

"I'm just wondering why show us all of that now of all times," he muttered to himself, running a hand through his hair. You shrugged, "your guess is as good as mine."

      Todoroki turned to you, a small smile appearing on his face. You felt a blush creep onto your face, but you shook it off.

      You were about to say something when Todoroki pointed your attention the the scene appearing in front of you.

      What was playing out in front of you seemed to the actions of this morning. Down to the moment the two of you made eye contact with each other. Then just like before it blurred away.

      "Maybe they were right..." you mumbled to yourself. Todoroki cocked his head to the side, trying to figure out what you were referring to.

      You noticed his confusion and a light blush reappeared onto your face. "Oh it's just my friend once told me about past lives and seeing your past lover so maybe this is what this is all about." You suggested as you messed with your hair.

      He nodded, taking that as the only explanation since there wasn't much to go off of for an answer. But if that was true then that meant-

"We're past lovers."

You nodded, agreeing with Todoroki's statement. So was that the whole point of seeing your past lives? To find out you two were always meant to be with each other.

You looked up to Todoroki and gave him a gentle smile. He returned the gesture and suddenly everything began to blur once more.

      You opened your eyes and immediately recognized where you were the time. You were back in the hallway where it all began. You looked to see Todoroki holding his head. Maybe all the blurring images finally began to affect him.

You walked over to him and held out your hand. "Let me help you." You smiled at him. He smiled back, taking your hand in his.

"You know I don't think I ever told you my name." He mentioned as the two of you began walking out together.

You chuckled, turning your head slightly. "Well I'm Y/n L/n," you said as you stopped in front of him and held out your hand. He smiled once again and took your hand. "Shouto Todoroki."


Oof sorry if this update was a little trashy I haven't written in awhile so I'm a little rusty

Hopefully this was understandable?? Sorry again if the plot doesn't make much sense, once again I'm a little rusty

Please I can't believe I'm gonna say this but I actually miss school I don't like online learning T^T

Anyways peace out y'all and stay safe!!

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