Chapter 5: Lee Jeno

Start from the beginning

Jaemin seemed to notice and grabbed Jeno's hand, holding it close to his chest. "I'll be here so feel free to squeeze my hand as much as you want okay?" Jaemin smiled softly and Jeno took a deep breath nodding. Jeno flinched as he felt rubber come into contact with his underwear and he glanced down at an apologetic Renjun.

"I'm just going to have to pull these down a little bit to reach your hip bone, okay Jen?" Renjun explained holding up his newly gloved hands and Jeno let out a shaky breath, reddening at the pet name. Jeno felt Renjun pull his underwear down to expose his hip bone and Jeno felt like he was going to pass out his heart was beating so fast and his stomach was doing flip flops.

"Okay, Jen so because it's going onto your hip bone there is an extremely high chance that this is going to hurt. A lot. Especially because this is your first tattoo. So I'm going to use the lowest amount of needles for yours. You'll probably feel either a vibrating pain or a sharp, stinging pain. I'm going to use this numbing product," Renjun lifted it up, "to help and minimize the pain as much as I can. It'll probably feel a bit like bee stings but try not to move away, or else it'll mess up the tattoo." He explained and Jeno nodded his head, acknowledging he heard everything that Renjun said.

Renjun picked up a couple of needles packages and opened them in front of Jeno to show that they were new and sterilized. "Okay ready to get started?" Renjun asked Jeno as he got the rest of his equipment on and in order.

Jeno closed his eyes tightly was nodded his head quickly. He felt a hand brush his hair and looked up into Jaemin's eyes.

"You can do it Nono!" Jaemin said determinedly and punched his fist in the air. Jeno gave Jaemin a tight smile and squeezed his hand tightly.

Then the sound of the tattoo gun filled the air and Renjun started.

The pain that Jeno felt was startling and he gritted his teeth together, scrunching his eyes closed, probably breaking Jaemin's hand. Jeno immediately wanted to move away from the needle but stayed still, not wanting to disappoint Renjun and ruin the tattoo.

The pain was so intense that Jeno wanted to cry. He suddenly felt a hand stroke through his hair repeatedly and felt breath brush against his ear as Jaemin began to whisper encouraging phrases.

"You're doing so well baby, just a little more alright sweetie." Jaemin's sweet voice entered his head and Jeno nodded rigidly, his head shifting towards the boy as if to encourage him to keep talking.

The pain was almost unbearable as time seemed to drag on and as if answering his silent pleas Renjun stopped. "I'm stopping for a minute or two alright Jen?" Jeno almost cried when he realized he would have to go back under the needle.

"You're okay baby," Jaemin whispered, continuing to run his hand through Jeno's hair.

"Alright, Jen I'm starting back up again," Renjun said way too quickly for Jeno's liking. He nodded and grit his teeth, gripping Jaemin's hand in anticipation.

And so Renjun continued.

After another unbearable amount of time had passed the needle stopped and Renjun let out a deep breath. "All done."

Jeno almost started crying in relief at those two words and he heard Jaemin cheer and start to whisper praises into Jeno's ear, making him swell up with pride. He looked up into Jaemin's face which was beaming with pride and Jeno gave a tired smile back. He heard Renjun rustling around in the background but Jeno stayed focus on Jaemin's addicting smile.

"Would you like to see your new tattoo?" Renjun's face came into view next to Jaemin's, giving Jeno a teasing smile. Jeno nodded, dread settling in his chest. Renjun crossed over to his other side and with Jaemin's help they moved Jeno up to see his new tattoo.

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