The Greenie

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Hello guys! So this is my first OneShot I have ever written, so I would really like for you to comment and say what you think. Also send requests! I'm really excited to see what you guys want to read, and I want to know if my writing skills can meet your expectations.
Also I do not own Maze Runner or any of its characters.
Anyways let's get into the OneShot.

Description: You are the one in charge of taking care of the new Greenie, Newt.

You were working in the gardens, when the greenie alarm went off, blaring across the Glade. You jumped up quickly and ran over to the box, as did the other eight boys. There was you, Alby, Gally, Minho, Ben, Winston, Jeff, Frypan, and George.

When the sounds of metal scraping on metal stopped, you and Gally walked up and opened the doors to the box below. You saw the month's supplies, and a pair of feet sticking out from behind one of the crates.

You glanced at Alby before shouting, "Hey I'm coming down, Greenie." You got no response as you jumped down into the box. Walking over to where the crate was, you moved it away to reveal a terrified boy. He had his knees curled up to his chest, and his arms were wrapped around them tightly.

He was shaking, as you kneeled down in front of him and said, "Hey. My name's (Y/n) Now can you remember anything? A name, or where you came from?"

He starts twisting his head from side to side, trying to think of answers to my questions. "I don't know where I came from, or my name. Why can't I remember anything?" He panics, fiddling with his fingers.

You placed your hand on his shoulder so he would look up at you. "Hey it's ok. We all go through this. You get your name back in a day or two." You spoke softly to him.

"Well is he coming out, or is he too much of a sissy," Gallys voice boomed from outside the box.

You turned around and looked up at him with a glare. "Slim it shuck face. He's terrified down here, and you're not helping."

You looked back to the boy huddled in the corner. "Here let's get out of here, then I'll show you around," you said, and reached your hand out to him.

He took it reluctantly, and you pulled him to his feet. "Ok lower the rope shank," you yelled to Gally, who slipped a rope with a loop tied at the end down into the box to pick up the boy. While the boy stepped into the loop, and Gally and Alby pulled him up, you just hoisted yourself out of the box from the side.

When the boy got out of the box, he fell to the ground, and scrambled out of the small crowd. He stood up, and looked like he was about to run, but you jogged over to him, taking his hand in yours. You pulled him away while the other boys started unloading the crates of supplies.

You walked him over to the edge of the forest, and you both sat down on a log. "Hey sorry about him. Gally is a dumb shank that's always intimidating the greenies." You tell him while staring back to where the boys were unloading.

You looked over at the boy to see him staring at you. "Why are you-" But he was cut off by you speaking his question and answering it.

"Why am I the only girl? That's a good question. No one knows. I showed up right after Alby, and ever since then there have only been boys coming up in the box." You state in a bored tone, shrugging your shoulders.

"So there are only nine names you need to remember," you say trying to change the subject. "The dark skinned boy over there is Alby. The shank one is Gally. The boy with the orange hair is Ben. Minho is the tall boy with black hair.  Frypan is the boy with the beard. Winston is the one with the bandages all over his hands. Jeff is the boy with the satchel. And George is the short blond boy. And last but certainly not least there's me, (Y/n)," you say, gesturing to yourself with both hands. Your ending made him chuckle.

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