im sorry-

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We all gathered together after school and went to the mall. The boys didnt get anything but us girls got a lot. We were eating when brookes phone went off
Brooke: I gtg...
Nessa: what? Why?
Brooke: uhm... My brother needs me
Avani: for?
Brooke: i-idk
Jackson: ok... Want me to walk u home?
She shook her and and not making eye contact she left, speed walking. I knew griffin didnt need her... Something is going on- but what? She won't even talk to us. Jackson sighed and when he sat down I saw tears in his eyes
Me: hey... She's ok
Jackson: we don't know that
Me: she strong-
Jackson: so? If she bottles everything up she will
He paused
Jackson: she'll break- shit I have to go to her
And with that he took off running
Me: I gotta go...
I said walking backwards
Payton: im coming like it or not
He stood up and he was being slow so I grabbed his hand and started to run to brookes house.
•jacksons pov•
I went to her house and when I knocked her brother answered
Me: is brooke here?
Griffin: no? Wasn't she with u?
Jackson: shit-
He was gonna say something but I ran off I tried to text her but she didnt answer. I ran past the park... And on the swings I saw a girl so was wearing what brooke was so i went closer
Jackson: brooke?
I said softly. She was crying. I went infront of her, and thank god it wasnt some random girl... But I was right, she always bottles up her feelings and she finally broke. She stood up and hugged me I ofc hugged back as she cried into my chest
Me: what's wrong babygirl?
She pulled away and handed me her phone it was on a message. I read it
I'm sorry u have to just now hear this but ava passed away cuz she was cutting... She missed u and being far distance is hard when u guys were as close as u were. She loved u so much, it sucks that it came to this :(
I pulled her in hugging her tightly. Ava was her bsf, they were always together like ashely and brooke are. They would all hang out together. Brooke and ava were bsf since kindergarten and in 5th grade Ava moved and they barely talked... I'll never forget how upset she was...
Me: I'm sorry brookie
Brooke: i-its fine
she said between sniffles. I hugged her and kissed the top of her head
Me: wanna come to mine? Someone would love to see you
She looked up at me smiling and nodded so we went to mine

♥lifes a lie♥ Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz