The truce part 1

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Its was a sunny morning on hogwarts the students were in the main hall eating the breakfast (at the slytherin table)."Hey Pansy" said a blondie "Yes Dray?"pansy said".

"Don't you think our rivalry has gone far enough with the golden trio?" said draco "Yeah It is getting old right Blaise?".Blaise nodded and got back to eating his breakfast."We should make a truce with the golden trio." said Pansy." Sure." Draco said "Blaise?" asked Pansy he nodded.
"Okay. Then let's go!" said Pansy.
They went over to the Gryffindor
table."Hello Gryffindor's." said Pansy with a light voice.

"What parkinson?" said Hermione "Well..." said Pansy nervously."We
would like to make a truce." said Draco the golden trio was shocked and looked at the Slytherins."We are serious..." said Draco "Ok then truce." said Ron with a smile on his face Blaise blushed and shaked Ron's hands.
"Ok... But there are rules ok?" said Harry "Ok" said the Slytherins.Harry looked at Draco
and Draco smiled Harry blushed and looked away.(At potions)
Snape:You will do a partner project and I will say the partners.Ok...Hm Mr.Malfoy and Mr.Potter, Mr.Zabini and Mr.Weasley, Miss Parkinson and Miss Granger.

Harry: So.. What potion are we making?

Draco:Maybe a transformation potion?


Draco: Hmmm... I think It's done.

Harry:Who will test it?

Draco:I will. If you want too.


"Ok so is everyone done?" asked Snape forts was Ron and Blaise.

Ron:We made a baby potion. The one who drinks it turns into a baby.

"Who will test it boys?" asked snape "Me." said Blaise.He drank the potion and he turns into a baby.

Hermione:OH MAH GAWD HE IS SO CUTE!!!!!!

Ron blushed and piked up blaise.
Luckily the potion only lasts
5 minutes."Ok Mr.Malfoy what did you guys do?" asked Snape.
Draco:We made a transformation
potion.It can change a person into any animal the other whispers into the potion but a furry not a absolute animal.
"Ok who will drink it?".

Draco:Me professor.

Harry whispered a animal name into the potion and Draco drank it he tuned into a ferret boy.Harry blushed and Draco smirked at Harry(after potions in the main hall).

Hermione:Draco you so cute!!

Draco:Im not that cute..

Hermione:Harry thinks otherwise 😏

Draco blushed and looked at Harry he was blushing. Harry
quickly looked away Draco was
smirking he rested his head on Harry's shoulder and he blushed

My ferret (DISFUCKINGCONTINUED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ