689 29 12

june 20, 2019

Tyree Walker

As he walked across the stage and shook hands with commisioner, I started tearing up. 

My baby finally achieved his dreams. 

I turned the tv off once they moved onto the 14th pick and started cleaning up the mess I made on the couch. 

I quickly dailed his number wanting to hear his voice. I listened to the phone dial, hoping he would pick up. I sat there waiting as the phone just rang.

 "Hey Ty. I just wanted to say how proud I am of you and congratulate you on being drafted. I want to apologize for what happened the last time we were together. Ball out in Miami for me baby. I'll love you for every and always, Ty." I spoke into the phone after it went to voicemail. I hung up the phone after ending my message. 

I could feel the hot tears run down my face as I stared at my phone as his name was the recently called. The more I wiped the tears, the more they spilled. I looked up at the ceiling to make the tears go back inside of my eye instead onto my cheeks.

My breathe hitched as my phone started to vibrate on my lap. I quickly grabbed it and looked at the caller ID.

Incoming Call ; TYLER🥺 

I hesitated in clicking the green button. I raised the phone up to my ear and held it. We both held the phone waiting for the other to say something.

"Hello? " He said into the phone. I noticed it was quite and had a slight echo.

"Hey Tyler" I said, my voice craking making it noticable that I was crying. 

"Hey Tyree." He replied dryly. My mouth suddenly felt dry as I tried to come up with something to say. 

"uhm. I just wanted to call and say congratulations. I know what this means to you and i'm happy that you achieved your dreams" I said after thought of what to say. We both held the phone once again, nobody saying anything. 

I heard him cough a little before replying, "Thank you Tyree. I really appreciate it".

I knew calling him would be a mistake from the start. Not only have we not seen eachother in a few months, but he blocked me on snap and I swear he deleted my number.  

"Tyler i'm sorr-" I tried to say before getting cut off suddenly. "I'm sorry but I have to go. I'll talk to you later" He said before abruptly hanging up in my face. 

I was stuck. Not only did I lose the love of my life but now he won't even speak to me. I started crying again. I had gotten hiccups because of the force of coughing I was doing. I just couldn't stop crying like a little bitch. 

My phone started to ring again as I looked down and saw it was my cousin, Genesis. I already didn't feel like talking for the rest of the day so I clicked the decline button and threw my phone on the couch. As I walked to the kitchen, my phone rang again. I just let it ring through. 

A few minutes later, a knock was heard coming from my door. I walked from the kitchen to the door and looked out the peep hole. It was genesis. 

"Bitch, I know you heard my phone call" She said as soon as I opened the door.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't feel like having another conversation" I replied locking the door and walking over to the couch. 

"What happened mamas" She asked, sitting on the couch. 

"Tyler got drafted right, so I called him to congratulate him. We haven't talked since our argument at the park a few months ago so I tried to apologize. I had left a voicemail before because he didn't answer, but I guess hearing his voice for the first time in a while got me emotional. When I tried to apologize, he literally hung up in my face" I explained, while having few tears fall down my face.

"Tyree, you did tell him that you didn't want him to enter the draft. I understand where he's coming from but it's gonna take more than a lousy ass phone call. Ya'll need to talk in person" She replied.

"And how am I supposed to do that?" I asked

"Nigga, I have a house in Miami. We go down there, get yall in a room together and boom"

"It's not that simple Gen"

"I know but I hate seeing you this emotional" she replied.

"Fuck you"

"oh and when you talk to him, dont forget to mention youre having his child" she said making me cough on my own spit.

how in the hell did the know that

"You suddenly started to eat hot wings from kfc. You hated them. You also are getting hatter in the face and youre prenatal vitamins are on the kitchen table" she said looking into my kitchen

"I hate you"

"I love you too Tyree" she said hugging me.

next stop, Miami Florida.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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