Unexpected! The first letter!!

Start from the beginning

"Well, not gonna lie, it's quite a big deal having her reading that over her thick books and well, I'm glad... Because that means she liked the letter I left in her locker...", Natsuki continued her train of thought as inevitable blush crept to her face while she tried to read her manga like nothing was happening.

"I gotta try asking her about it sometime, but first I gotta start trying being nicer to her so it won't be so suspicious or something...", Natsuki reflected as she just turned the pages of her manga not really reading anything.

"Alright everyone!", Monika said almost jumping into the classroom looking a bit agitated. "Sorry for being late-", Monika said and was briefly interrumpted.

"Again", Natsuki said with an annoyed tone. "Yes, again haha... Anyways, let's exchange poems because- uh? Where's Sayori?", The white ribbon girl asked as she realized the missing presence in that room.

"Right here!", Sayori jumped into the classroom cheerfully as ever. "Sorry, I went to the vending machine to get a snack", Sayori said and immediately pulled out a chocolate bar from out of nowhere and took a bite that almost eradicated half of it.

"Well, now that we're all here, let's exchange poems because today I gotta do some homework and I want to focus the rest of the time we have left", Monika explained a bit embarrassed, however, there was no objection.


"Here it comes... Remember, Yuri, don't let it bother you, just say something nice and go back to your seat no matter what she says, don't fall for her mind games...", Yuri thought as she noticed Natsuki was about to finish reading her poem.

"Well, it's cool, complicated as usual, but cool", Natsuki said as she handed Yuri her poem back, blushing lightly of course and looking away. "...Yours is cu-", Yuri began saying after a tired sigh before she realized the situation and went wordless.

"Were you about to say cute?!", Natsuki said menacingly. "Eh? N-Nononono!! I-I was just g-going to say cu-cu-curiously fascinating!", Yuri stuttered the first thing that came to her mind to save herself from being annihilated.

"Wait, really?", Natsuki asked with some light sparkle in her magenta eyes. "Of course! T-The language is simple b-but it says a l-lot of things at the same time and...", Yuri said nervously playing with a strand of her purple hair between her fingers.

"T-Thanks... I-I mean! Of course it's fascinating!! I'm the one who wrote it after all!", The pink girl proudly grinned showing off her characteristic fang, although her face like one of Pennywise's balloons was telling a different story. "Anyway, it's not like I care too much about your opinion!", Natsuki said snatching her poem from Yuri's hand and going back to her spot, trying to recover her natural skin color, hiding her face behind her manga now.

"Hey Natsuki! You still gotta exchange poems with me", Sayori said bouncing her way to where Natsuki was. "NO! I'm done for today!", Natsuki said feisty, still hiding her face behind her book.

Sayori got the message behind that feisty and menacing tone and simply turned around and bounced back to her seat.


"She was so nice to me today!! She does understand my poems!!", Natsuki thought as she rolled over her bead repeatedly, fangirling with her poem of earlier clutched against her chest.

"I feel so good today! I gotta...", the pink one thought as she took her phone and went into Facebook to see if Yuri had posted anything that day.

Yuri's Facebook was usually lonely, she'd share some stuff sometimes, like phrases she'd herself write or content related to her hobbies and pages she followed, but only Monika and Sayori would occasionally react to her stuff.

Natsuki however, always left an angry react to each and everyone of her posts.

That day however, Natsuki went directly to Yuri's profile and started by heart reacting to some creepy picture of a huge monster with a lot of tentacles in his mouth that almost resembled a beard Yuri had shared that day and proceeded to leave heart reacts to every post she found on her profile that day.

"I don't even know what all of these things are but screw it, I just wanna show her my love and joy somehow, since I can't like... Like...... Like..... Kiss her...... Why's it so embarrassment just thinking about it?!", Natsuki thought and buried her burning face on her pillow for a while until the lack of oxygen helped her recover her cool.

"That's right! Now's the perfect moment to write another of those letters! ... I mean, since she seemed to really have liked it and stuff... I wonder if she'd treasure it or something... Nah, that's too good to happen, I don't have that much luck", the pink girl thought while she went and grabbed her notebook and a pen.

"Maybe one day... She'd realize her secret admirer and me are the same person... Or maybe one day I'll actually have the guts to tell her my feelings instead of just being mean to her to get a little of her attention...", Natsuki thought as that last part made her feel a bit sad.

"Nah, not today bad thoughts, I had a great day and I ain't letting you ruin it", the Pink girl shook her head to send those thoughts away and then smiled happy as she started turning her joy into words.


"Beautiful, enchanting, mesmerizing...", On the quiet solace of her room and the evening, the purple girl repeated those words in her mind over and over as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Yuri had carefully framed her first ever love letter using some purple foam she had crafted into a beautifully patterned shape and put it on her dressing table where she'd see it every morning when she got ready for school.

"Do you seriously think that about me? Am I really beautiful?", Yuri said as she brushed some of her hair off her face gently.

"Am I really enchanting?", She thought as she ran her fingertips across her face gently.

"Am I really mesmerizing?", The purple one thought as she put her hands behind her back and scanned her body curiously.

"Why would you think that of me? Why would you ever even take a second to look at someone like me? So many things I want to ask you and yet I don't know anything about you...", Yuri reflected in almost dreamy state.

"Will you ever let me meet you?", The shy girl thought as she picked the poem up from her dressing table and gave it yet another read.

"I'm really looking forward to read you again", Yuri smiled and clutched the poem against her chest gently, eagerly awaiting for the next time she had to open her locker.

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