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(Joseph’s POV)

“Asurah!” I yelled once I saw him be tackled by a large hairy beast. Despite the fact that Asurah had pushed me away, I snapped back to my feet, grabbing a rock before chucking it at the creature. It hit it’s head, making the thing stop and growl before looking at me.

Asurah’s eyes were wide and when the creature launched at me, he screamed and shot to his feet, running after the creature as it knocked me to my back, its teeth dripping saliva as it roared in my face, making my heart beat at an unhealthy rate. I watched in shock as Asurah literally tackled the beast, crying out as the beast bit his shoulder, easily ripping through the thick skin. The beast tossed Asurah to the ground as if he were nothing more than a sack of potatoes.

My heart clenched tightly in my chest when Asurah didn’t move, tears forming in my eyes as I stared at his unmoving form. I only let out a breath of relief when he groaned in pain, heaving himself up on his good arm as he dizzily looked around, a bewildered look on his face.

“What the hell is that thing?!” Issak screeched, his eyes wide as he shoved his samples behind him, as if his measly body would protect it.

“I don’t know, but we need to get out of here!” I yelled, rushing over to Asurah to heave him into my arms. My heart clenched at how light he felt, a dazed look on his face as his brows furrowed together. Tearing my eyes from his form, I glanced up at the beast, it’s eyes watching us as if it were...amused. But, surely an animal couldn’t be amused...right? Unless Glacion’s creatures were much more intelligent than I thought. In which case, we could be screwed. Unless...I could somehow divert the creature’s attention to Issak while I got Asurah to safety. seemed like he was doing it himself by the way he grabbed his things and began running, making the creature roar before it rushed after him, giving Asurah and me the chance to escape.

I ran as quickly as I could without looking back, Asurah’s form held tightly in my arms.I nearly tripped quite a few times, but luckily managed to make it to the palace, breathing a strangled sigh of relief once we were within it’s safe walls. My back to the door, I slid down it with Asurah still in my arms. And as my adrenaline fizzled off, I winced at the pain in my thigh, where Jack had shot me. I peered down and winced at the small speck of blood, not really as concerned about it as I was with Asurah’s wound which...woah. I stared in disbelief at the nearly unmarred skin, only a few jagged scars in sight. Did the heck did he heal so fast?! Was that just another thing Glacic’s had that humans didn’t? It was as if the beast never took a chunk out of him in the first place.

I was so fascinated that I gently touched the scars, wincing when Asurah non too kindly smacked me in the arm.

“That hurts you jerkface.” He muttered with a frown, sitting up.

I blushed once I realized he was still in my lap, his body a comfortable weight as he stared at me with furrowed brows. I cleared my throat, scratching the back of my neck and trying not to focus on the hand that I had resting against his waist, his skin as soft as silk. “, we escaped that beast thing. Which, speaking of beast, how the hell did you heal so fast? I saw that thing’s teeth rip into the heck did you walk away with only a few scars?”

Asurah stared at me, seeming completely confused as he glanced down at his arm, his eyes widening as he stared at the scars. He touched one of them and winced, taking his hand back before he looked at me. “I...I have no idea. I never knew we could heal that fast.” He frowned, but then shook his head. “I’ve never really been seriously hurt I guess I never noticed. It’s so fascinating though.” He paused on admiring his arm, his eyes meeting mine. “Where’s Issak? Did...did the Moril get him?”

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