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Bellamy doesn't sleep the first night on the Ring. Or the second.

By the third night he's slipping into delirium.

He's sick and tired of lying in his empty room. It's late – he only knows by the circadian lights now – and he's still restless. His room has a window, but it's still facing the blank emptiness of space. Stars twinkle back at him almost tauntingly. He remembers how she saved him from Dax. He remembers how she asked him if he wished on shooting stars. He remembers just four short days ago, he crashed the rover because he couldn't tear his eyes away from her. So many things with her happened under the view of the stars. He's sick of seeing them.

He stumbles into the hallway looking for a different view. He knows there are windows here and there all along the Ring and at this point he doesn't care where he's at, he just wants to be close to her. He finds an opening along the hallway with a big window, the image in it a simmering view of Earth. Earth had always been green as long as he'd been alive. But now it looked brown and hot and painful as Praimfaya ravaged the planet.

It looked awful from 250 miles up. He couldn't imagine how Clarke was feeling down there.

His throat tightens as his head argues with his heart. 

"There's no way nightblood was enough to survive that," his head says. 

"I wouldn't care to live if I believed that," his heart replies.

His head knocks pathetically against the glass.

His eyes blink open dryly. He's not sure if he's dozed off or just losing his mind from not sleeping.

Murphy's voice drifts down from the hallway. "Raven, are you – oh god."

He climbs out of his window seat to see what's going on. One look at the blood smeared on the floor, the walls, on Raven, on Murphy, and he wakes up in seconds. "What's going on?"

"I fell," Raven says through gritted teeth. "My brace locked up and snapped as I fell on it."

Murphy's hands hold pressure on her thigh to slow the bleeding. "Let me get a look at that." Bellamy crouches next to Murphy, a hand on his shoulder, silently saying it's alright, we'll take care of her. Murphy pulls his hands back slowly and it's much, much worse than Bellamy thought. A jagged piece of the brace is lodged in her thigh.

Bellamy takes a shaky breath, his first thought being, go get Clarke and the second thought being the realization that she's not there anymore. It's been three days and he's already overwhelmed without her. "It's going to be okay, Raven." He turns to Murphy. "Go wake up the others. Have Harper and Monty get things ready in Med Bay and tell Echo and Emori to bring a stretcher." He takes over holding pressure on her thigh. "Now, Murphy."

Just two doors down from Raven's room is Murphy and Emori's, which is Murphy's first stop. Emori comes out, still sleepy and her hair messy as Murphy takes off to Monty and Harper's room, which is the next closest. Once Emori realizes what's going on and how severe the situation is, she freezes.

"Emori, please. I need that stretcher," Bellamy begs.

She disappears down the hallway, leaving Raven and Bellamy alone in the dimly lit hall.

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