Part 7

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As Mal walked down the narrow hallway she wondered, what was she doing? Usually Mals main instinct was to survive, to protect herself from anyone and anything. Right now, she was vulnerable, Evie made her feel like this. In touch with her emotions. She saw the doors to Ben's office, debating what she should say.

She didn't want things to be awkward between them as he is the King of Auradon, he had authority over the VK's fate in Auradon. He could easily snap his fingers and have them all sent back to that hellhole.

Jays plan was deceiving, it would mean she had to hide the real her, the real her who had feelings for Evie. It kind of made sense, it was the safest option for the four of them. Yet Mal had barely coped keeping it secret for the past 6 months.

She knocked on the oak door marked with the gold-plated words 'KING BEN OF AURADON'. Immediately, Ben answered the door, he gestured for her to take a seat as he continued his conversation on the phone.

Mal was flustered she had no clue what words were about to escape her mouth, she gave Ben reassuring smile as she took a seat.

'I've just got to sign this and then we can talk. Okay?'

Mal gave him a small nod as she fidgeted with her hands. Jays words kept circling around her head: 'Don't do anything stupid'

What was she doing? Is it worth risking their lives? Is it wrong to keep this a secret? How would Evie feel? How would Ben react?

Her thoughts were disrupted by Ben 'So what are you thinking in that little mind of yours?'

Mal quickly stood up, almost in a panic 'Oh it's nothing. So... you needed me?'

Ben sat back behind his desk 'I just think we have been quite distant recently... Have I done something wrong?' He looked up to her full of regret. She could tell he knew he was in the wrong for calling her out, but it was almost as if Ben had become a whole new person within a few hours.

Jays words kept repeating in her head 'Don't do anything stupid'

'Is there any chance I can get more time for myself? I just feel like I'm falling behind on my schoolwork and not really getting that Auradon Prep experience' Mal gave him a fake chuckle adding a smile.

'Is that all you wanted? Because I can start going to these meetings by myself if it makes you feel better. I don't really mind, and I am the King so I must go to them anyways'

Ben was a little disappointed. He enjoyed Mals company, but he wanted what's best for her. He promised her a better life at Auradon, he didn't want her to feel bombarded with duties.

Mals face glowed when she heard the news, she was almost ecstatic. 'Thank you, Ben! You really don't know how much this mean to me!' Mal ran behind the desk and wrapped her arms around Ben, out of instinct.

'Are you really that excited about seeing me less?' Ben was insulted by Mals reaction, he enjoyed seeing her everyday even if it was for pointless meetings. She was his girlfriend after all, but he didn't want to push her away over one little thing.

'No, I just feel like a big weight has been lifted from me... I don't have to worry about finishing homework late at night... or falling behind' Mal was debating if her excuses were believable but she had already said them, and she couldn't take them back now.

'I get you; you shouldn't have to stress about that sort of stuff yet, not until your queen' Ben looked up at Mal awe.

Mal didn't know what to do. She felt like she had dug herself into a deeper hole. She didn't want to be the future queen of Auradon. She wanted to be Evie's future wife.

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