Fallen Kingdom

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Geralt stormed to the queen with frustration, "First you try to kill me, then you try to trick me. I'm just trying to keep Cirilla safe." He growled to the Queen. Calanthe sigh seeing the pissed off Witcher, "Ciri is safe with me until the day she takes over my throne." Calanthe tried to move away from the man only for Geralt to block her path, "Listen to me-" He tried to say, "I did listen once. Let a hedgehog into my court, it got me Pavetta dead. I won't lose Ciri too, so you and destiny can both fuck right off." Calanthe quietly growled to the annoying Witcher. "Because if Nilfgaard comes will destiny carry a banner into battle? No, we have an army, a navy, and me." Calanthe once again tried to move away from Geralt, but the stubborn man blocked her once again, "A dynasty can't survive on arrogance alone." Geralt tried to explain. 

Calanthe had enough of him, "Says a Witcher, she has family. You know nothing about that, your own mother cared so little she discarded you." She sassed. Geralt patience with the Queen was at an all time low, "You lecture me on a mother's love yet offer up someone else's daughter." He growled. Calanthe paused in the hallway, "Queen to all of Cintra, grandmother to one. I won't orphan that girl." She simply told Geralt, "You're sentencing her to death!" Geralt hollered. Soon a man entered, "What did I miss?" He asked. "Nothing, get him out of my sights." The Queen ordered.

Geralt sigh as he was put inside a cell. He looked around with an angry smirk, once again Velorina was right. 'Don't expect roses to be thrown at your feet for trying to save their kingdom.' Geralt recited her words. He shook his head as he begin to meditate, he knew only time will come when Nilfgaard came knocking on the Kingdom door.

Time has passed when Nilfgaard did come, and did they come in the masses. Geralt heard everything happening from the palace walls, he heard the screams, the tortures, the plead. He heard everything that was going on, his eyes opened as he heard commotion happening inside the cell. The walls trembled due to the massacre that was happening outside, a Solider was running from his post about to pass Geralt when a hand grab the solider tossing him to the nearby wall grabbing the keys before his body hit the ground. Geralt look in surprise seeing Velorina standing before him swinging the keys on her finger with a carefree smirk, "Vel." He said like a love sick man.

"Lovely place you got here." She said to him with a smirk. Geralt cleared his throat  feeling his cheeks warm with embarrassment at his situation, "Vel, not now please." He said. Velorina sigh as she looked around, Nilfgaard soldiers came running only to be taken out the Vampire. Geralt sigh knowing what she wanted to hear, "Fine you were right, but I had to try and save her." Geralt said. Velorina sigh as she opened the cell door, "I know, I was here. I heard everything." She said. Geralt stared at her as he reached for his swords, "You were here? And you were just going to let me stay here, you couldn't help?" He asked. Velorina only stared at him with a blank look, "No. No because this is your journey, this is your duty not mine. Now find your child, I only came here because I was worried about you." Velorina softly said. Geralt smiled, he walked close to her cuffing her face, "You love me." He stated while caressing her face with a smile, Velorina held his hand nodding her head, "I do." She said.

Geralt kissed her with passion, Velorina sigh enjoying the love that the two had for one another. "Stay, help me. I need to try and find Ciri." Geralt whispered. "Geralt-" "No, I need you this time. I can't find her myself. Please Velorina." Geralt interrupted. Velorina sigh as she stared into his beautiful eyes, nodding her head. "Fine, I still don't like the brat. Come on hero." She sassed as she moved her hips while walking away, Geralt eyes zoning on her backside like a moth to a flame. She then paused turning to him, "Geralt, early this week. The girl, she turned my way as if she knew I was watching her. What was that?" Velorina asked. Geralt looked surprise at the question, "You saw her?" He asked back. Velorina nod her head, Geralt looked down at the ground wondering himself. "Back, when Jaskier got injured by the Djinn. When Yennefer tried to capture the Djinn, I had one last wish to make." Geralt swallowed not knowing how she would take the other news he kept from her, "I wished, for us to always be tied together." He mumbled shyly. 

Velorina smiled at him, she walked over to him, both hearing approaching footsteps but neither caring. "Maybe, with that wish. All three of us are connected in someway." He finished. Velorina let out a sigh, "I could kill you for bonding me with this human insect." She said. Geralt had to stop himself from rolling his eyes at her. She then cuffed his face, "I can fuck you here at the same time for being very sweet." She whispered to him as she leaned on his forehead. Geralt growled as he held her, "I just wanted us to always be together, to always find one another. I don't want us to be separated and not ever come back like before." He mumbled to her as he rub noses with her. "I love you Velorina, you are all I have. I didn't think when I made the wish, I just knew this is what I wanted more then anything, us just being together and living with one another." He confessed closing his eyes as he took in her scent, her touch, her breathing. Velorina smiled feeling her heart soar, "I want that too love. Just know, we were never apart, we always found each other in the end." She whispered. Geralt nod his head, he knew that already. Velorina pulled away from him, "We should find your child, people are getting killed and here we are acting like love sick fools." She said. Geralt landed down kissing her, "Love you." He said. "Hmm, love you too."

Both lovers made their way outside, seeing the massacre happening around them. It wasn't long before Nilgaard Soilders came charging at them, the duo took care off them flawlessly. They hid behind a wagon watching out Ciri, Geralt more than Velorina, "Damn." She said. Geralt looked at her with confusion, "What?" He asked. "They just killed a young guy that I was eyeing earlier today. I knew I should have drank from him when I had the chance." Velorina complained with a pout. Geralt only stared at her, a little disturb even if he knew she had to drink blood to survive. Velorina saw the look and smirk, "What, he was a healthy young lad." She simply said with a shrugged. Geralt shook his head as he kept a look out, "This isn't the time Vel. Beside he was puny anyway." Geralt said with a smug look. Velorina smiled as she leaned her chin on his shoulder whispering in his ear, "You're sexy when your jealous." Geralt smirked to her, "Not now Vel." He said. The two smiled at one another when something thuds in front of them making them jump in surprise, the looked around the wagon. Geralt had a shock look on his face while Velorina had a blank face, "Damn." She said as they spotted the body of Queen Calanthe. Geralt started to breath in a panic before taking off to try and find the Princess.

Velorina followed behind him as he entered the castle, she smelt something in the air that was familiar to her. She turned her head in that direction, she shook her head thinking the blood that was around her was effecting her senses. She followed Geralt as he slammed a Solider against the wall, "Tell me what I want to know and you'll live." He ordered. The Soilder started to mumble a bunch of mumbo jumbo about who know what. Velorina rolled her eyes at the man, when Geralt tried once again to make the man talk. Geralt had enough and killed the man. The two looked around the Princess room, trying to find a trace of her anywhere, Geralt was very quiet while looking around. Velorina stayed in the doorway while he looked at everything for clues as to where she could possibly be, "With her scent, we can track her down." She offered quietly. Geralt sigh as he look to her, he nod his head while sitting down the book he was holding. Velorina can see for the first time, how much this was truly bothering him, she can see the worry in his eyes for the girl.

She finally admitted to herself that she was being selfish, here he was needing her help for a cause that meant to much to him. Here she was being selfish not wanting to help due to her own views on the human creatures. As she looked at the defeated look on Geralt face, she couldn't help but to feel even more stupid, this man has pledged to help her get her own revenge at the expense of his own life. The least she can do is help him find his Child of Surprise, at the expense of her pride. She walked over to him, hugging him close, Geralt returned the hug breathing in her calming scent, "We'll find her love. I promise." She whispered to him. Geralt felt his heart clench hearing those words from her, he held her closer while burying his face in her neck, "Thank you." He whispered back. Velorina smiled nodding her head as she rub his neck, "Anytime."

A/N: I love these two!💖 Thank you all for reading!

Vampyric Lore⚔︎The WitcherHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin