Chapter Three

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Fast forward, Dad in haste to the hospital with mom's pressure ran into a timber truck parked by the shoulder of the road. Dad and the boys didn’t make it, mom on hearing the news collapsed and is in critical condition, much more like on a life support. So the next of kin, Uncle T (UT) had to be called to step in.

Eight months down the line, mum had to be taken off life support since UT says business was not doing well, so, I lost my mum too but before then my school had to be changed since my fees were too expensive. Oh least I forget, our home was sold to support mum's medicals before she died so was living with UT and his family.

This part in life was totally new to me, such was my new life or for want of a better phrase, my real life had just began for me.

Getting on the wheels, sharing a room with two of my cousins wasn’t a big issue but doing almost all the house chores was another story.

Notwithstanding the humiliation of not getting things right was my worst fear. My mum's ghost had to be restless all the time because they never stopped insulting her for not bringing me up well as a woman.

I was only turned twelve few months ago or am I dreaming? 

Emerging first was an easy thing but studying home at night was a luxury. Sadness and worry were my two good friends nevertheless hidden weeping was my best companion. My favorite food was transformed to tears at least I didn’t have to pay with money nor borrow with interest.

Losing three pounds a week made me to look slim and sexy, when am I traveling again? I miss winter, I love the spring flowers. It’s a hot wednesday afternoon, a bubble bath wouldn’t be a bad idea. Me, I just want to swim or just be under the water in the Jacuzzi.  

Tao tao, wake up daydreamer, go and wash the stuffs, oh my!  The last I checked you were good at laundry pardon me when did you learn to wash so well? Oh God! I miss my family. Life has been a rollercoaster since I came to this house. Same old things, nothing seems to change, it keeps getting bad and bad and bad and worse and worse……

I just wish I knew how to pray but I can only wish. Wishes I was good at, I wish I would be taken by the ferry ship to where my family is currently, I know Mum will be super excited I've made it.

When the devil knocks at the door……….

Rrrrrrrnging that was their telephone line, should I pick? No one seem to be bothered by the constant noise from the phone. Finally I managed to pick up and whisper a rather sickling Hello! Hello! Is it Uncle T's residence? I knew that voice, Dr. Antray! I screamed out its me Lorya. “Great! How are you doing? Give me directions now, UT, well seem to be busy to pick or return my call” I gladly did. It seems my wish is coming true, I couldn’t control myself. That nostalgia feeling was in motion, I felt abandoned and forgotten by all the friends of my parents and workers but I couldn’t blame any of them, reality check, my parents could have done same. 

Less than an hour, rescuing angel was in, picked him at the door, fortunately both Uncle and Aunty weren’t at home yet, cousins were taking a good afternoon nap which I envied. I told Dr. Antray everything happening here at a whisper and made sure the ears on the walls were shut. He believed every word, my current state and look added more voice.

He left the house sad and angry but I had to promise him of non-disclosure of his  visit, this I wasn’t so sure I could keep as a secret but remembering the conversation I heard last night when I was going to the restroom got me to shut my mouth. But it was a weight to carry for some time.

Unknowing to my Uncle, I overheard them last night discussing how they will send me to father's village and leave me with some relatives I never knew. What a well thought out plans they had going on. 

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