Chapter 1

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Hi, my names Grace Smith I'm 18 years old and I currently live in England. I live with my 20 year old brother Max Smith. I have one friend Justin West and that is all there is to me.

I spend most of my days at home relaxing or watching movies and so that was what I was going to do today.

It has been 3 hours now and I've watched two movies but I'm already running out of things to watch so I decided I would call Justin and ask him if he wanted to spend the day at mine with me which he gladly accepted. I spent a while on my phone flicking through my social media when I was disrupted by a nock on the door. knowing it was Justin, I opened the door and walked back to my seat without even saying hello.

"Hi to you too." Justin said as he entered my house, shutting the door behind him.

"Sorry, hello." I said grudgingly. I'm not sure why but today was just not my day, trust me, you do not want to be with me when I'm annoyed. That's why I love Justin even though I'm always moody with him he still stays by my side no matter what.

"You alright?" He asked

"Yeah sorry I'm fine. what about you? How ya doing?" I asked with a bit of a laugh trying to lighten the mood I had brought upon us.

"Yeah I'm good" just said.

We continued to make small talk for a while until we both got bored and decided to go to Starbucks.

"So what can I get you guys?" Asked the miserable looking lady taking our order

"Can I have one caramel frappuccino and one iced coffee pleas?" I asked politely

"Hmm hmm" the lady grunted "names?"

"Yep, Grace and Justin" I said

After 10 minutes or so the lady called out our names and I went up to get our drinks then say back down at a small booth in the corner of the shop

"Here ya go" I said handing Justin his drink whilst taking a sip of mine. he replied with a "mmmm" before taking a large sip from his drink

We sat in silence for a while until Justin started laughing at me, me being my clueless self had no clue what he was talking about so I just stares back at him blankly

"Umm love, You have stuff all over your face" he said pointing at my face. I blushed embarrassed and quickly wiped my face before laughing along with Justin.

" How is it that I always tend to get more or my drink on my face rather then in my mouth?" I asked rhetorically.

"That I will never know" Justin said chuckling.

"So how's jake going?" I asked (jake is Justin's boyfriend)

"Agh not good, we got into a bit of an argument the other day" he said looking down

"Oh I'm so sorry is everything alright?" I asked

"Well he thinks I've cheated on him but I promised I would never do anything like that and I thought he could trust me enough to believe me but clearly not." He said his eyes starting to get watery

"Oh Justin I'm so sorry, Im sure it will get better I mean once he figures out the truth he's sure to come running back to you asking for forgiveness." I said trying to cheer him up a bit

"Yeah I guess." he said bluntly taking another sip from his now almost empty cup.

We stayed at Starbucks for a little while longer until I got a text from my brother max asking where I was and wanting me to come home now so Justin and I payed for our drinks and set off. it was only a 10 minute walk but since it was nearing 7:30 and it was getting really dark out Justin and I raced home making it only a 5 minute walk (or a say walk but I should be saying run).

Once we arrived home I greeted my brother who was sitting alone on the couch and went into my room with Justin trailing behind.

"It's getting late now, do you want to sleep over?" I asked

"Would it be to much of a hassle?" He asked

"No of course not, you let me sleep at yours all the time. it's the least I could do." I said whilst grabbing my clothes and heading into our bathroom to get changed. when I got out I was in my extra large men's monkey onsie and Justin was still sitting there on his phone. I should probably get some clothes for him.

"Sorry, let me go get you some clothes from Max's room" I said since all my clothes were way to small for him. I swear he is like a giant!

When I came back I handed Justin an old pair of track suit bottoms and left him to get changed.

After we were both settled in we joined max in the lounge room and started to flick through what movies to watch and settled on "Annabel". I personally voted against but both of the boys wanted to watch it so it was 2 against 1 -.- I always loose when voting against these two.

The whole time throughout the movie I was curled up in a ball hiding my face with a pillow whilst almost crying I was so scared. I honestly hate every scary movie ever made no joke.


Hey guys I know this is probably terrible so I'm sorry but I promos it will get better this is just a filler. Pleas tell me if you want this longer or shorter or if there's anything else I can do to improve. I love to read your comments!!

Thanks for reading XXX

My random love (bradley will Simpson)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum