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3rd Person P.O.V.

The world slowly came into focus around Steve as he regained consciousness. He didn't know where he was at first, but slowly memories of the fight at the warehouse came back to him. His eyes shot open and he was face to face with a pair of shoes.

He realized was lying on his side on a concrete floor, but he certainly wasn't in the warehouse anymore. He quickly pushed himself upright as he looked around. People that looked like scientists moved around the room. Most of them were calibrating and monitoring various machines and pieces of equipment.

One man stood not even three feet away from Steve. He gave off an air of authority and the scientists seemed to avoid him for the most part, moving around him, but careful never to step in front. Steve jumped to his feet, nearly collapsing back onto the floor as a wave of dizziness and a pounding headache hit him in waves.

The man was smiling slightly as he watched Steve, a dark expression that twisted the Captiains stomach. Before either of them could say anything, Steve caught sight of something that nearly dropped him to his knees. Bucky's metal arm lay on a table, the shoulder joint bloody. He quickly searched the room again, looking for any sign of his friend.

The man caught him staring and his twisted smile widened. When Steve found no sign so of Bucky he looked back at the man standing in front of him.

"What did you do to him?" He asked, keeping his emotions under control, if only barely. His mind registered the sound of a monitor's beeping increasing along with his heartrate, though he felt nothing attached to his skin.

"Hellbird...dealt with him." He said, leaving the specifics up to imagination.

He gestured behind him, where a woman stood. Steve hadn't payed much attention to her at first but now he studied her. Rage burned through him as he spotted bits of dried blood on her olive skinned arms. She kept her empty gaze focused on Steve.

The fiery rage that filled him slowly began to cool as he recognized her empty gaze. It was the same way Bucky had looked at him while he had been the Winter Soldier. Hydra had wiped away any trace of humanity she had. Then they had rebuilt her into a monster, just like Bucky.

He turned his focus back onto the man. Something about the mans absolutely guiltless expression brought Steve's rage flaming back to life. He lunged at the man, intent on avenging his dead friend.

Next thing he knew he was lying on the floor, his head pounding even worse than before. He struggled to his feet. Every muscle in his body protested but he pushed through it.

"What the hell?" he managed to gasp.

The man chuckled, "You didn't think we'd find a way to contain you?" he asked, taking a step forward.

He didn't bother elaborating, instead deciding to let the captain figure it out for himself. It'd be a bit more interesting that way. A way to spice up the monotony he had grown used to. There was a certain novelty to a prisoner that thought they could fight back. Though it lost it's charm soon enough, and began to get on his nerves.

Steve looked around. He couldn't see or hear anything that indicated any sort of containment cell. His aching body told him otherwise.

"Enjoy your stay, or don't. It's your choice." The man said, turning on his heel to leave the room.

"Do you have a name?" He asked, staring at the mans back.

The man made no indication of having heard. He gestured for Nicky, or Hellbird, to follow. He walked towards the door to the lab and she obediently followed. Little more than a pawn to be ordered around. Just before he walked out the door, he turned his head to the side and said.

"Dr. Hansen."


3rd Person P.O.V.

The sound of constant beeping slowly dragged him out of the darkness of sleep. He slowly opened his eyes, disoriented and trying to remember where he was. Flashes of the fight came back.

2 days earlier

Falcon burst into the room. The sound of gunshots and shattering glass had alerted him that something was wrong. Before he could follow Nicky and her rather obvious escape through the shattered remains of the window he heard a slight moaning sound.

He followed the sound and found Bucky lying on his side against a wall. A concerning amount of blood was pooling on the floor around him, flowing from his wounded shoulder. Falcon cursed under his breath, Bucky's left arm wasn't just injured, it was gone. Ripped off somehow, and not particularly gently.

Bucky groaned again, a weak sound as he struggled to stay alive despite the blood loss. Falcon immediately jolted into action, tearing a piece of his shirt off and pressing it to the bloody stump of his shoulder.

"Guys! Get in here, Bucky's injured!" He yelled as loudly as he possibly could. Then, quieter, he said, "Cmon Bucky, hold on, they're coming."

Current day

Bucky stared up at the medical room ceiling as he tried to sort through the memories of the fight. His memories kept dragging him back to the just one moment. A blurry, red scene. The moment Nicky had dragged his best friend away, along with his left arm.

Losing his left arm wasn't even the worst of it, but losing his best friend. He couldn't lose Steve, especially not to Hydra. If anyone knew what might happen to him in there, it was Bucky. The thought made his stomach twist and his muscles tense. Mentally, he berated himself for not having been able to do more.

He tried to sit up, but for a split second he forgot he was missing his left arm. He had no way to keep his balance and began to tip. He fell out of the hospital bed with a thud, knocking his head against the side of the bed.

His vision went black for a moment and the next thing he knew, Bruce was standing over him. He held out a hand to help Bucky up. Bucky grasped it with his right hand and pulled himself up.

"You're awake," Bruce commented, gesturing for Bucky to sit down.

Bucky sat down on the edge of the bed. He seemed tense and watched Bruce closely as he changed the bandages over Bucky's shoulder. Bucky took a breath, about to ask about Steve.

Just before he could ask, Tony poked his head through the door.

"No, we haven't found Capsicle." Tony answered, as if he knew what Bucky was about to ask.

"And yes, we're looking for him. Bruce, team meeting in 10 minutes." Tony said before leaving.

Bruce nodded and finished bandaging Bucky's wound. He gestured for Bucky to follow as he left the medical room. They made their way to the meeting room. They entered and sat down at the table.

Tony stood at the front of the room, taking his place as sort of a team leader. He had always thought of himself as the leader, but it was undeniably nerve wracking that such a key member of their team had been captured. He had hoped it could be under better circumstances, but it was how things were and there wasn't alot to be done in the moment other than planning a way to get their teammate back. Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself and started talking. 

"So, first of all, as we all know. The Captain's been captured."



What do you guys think about Nicky so far? 

I love to hear from you guys! Have a wonderful day and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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