A Key To My Heart

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I adore him so much. His warm touch, appearance, personality...if I like him that much, I should just give him kisses on the cheek, hold his hand, treat me in a proper way, whisper 'I love you' to his ear...what if he's blonde and had blue eyes? Well, that sounds pretty nice.

I dreamed about him every night, being the angel of my dreams who shot my heart and got me under a spell like a love potion. I'll find him...someday, I know I will. I'm sure he likes me back. Maybe I'll send him a message in return as a romantic letter.

I was reading a romance novel while wearing my nightgown, only a way to find me my one true love or first love. My brain started to picture visions like a film. I can see myself making love with a man in bed, trailing kisses all over my skin. Going out to a romantic spot like in a garden or by the lily pond.

I don't know why I have sudden vivid imaginations like that about falling in love with a boy or a man. If I see one, it makes my heart race, pounding like a drum and causes me to blush. Being the bashful type of person I am; because I experienced being too shy around in public, especially when it comes to love life. I'm just feel unease and nervous.

I grinned inspringly when I tried to sleep at night but it was only a dream. I don't think if that will make my dreams come true or came to life. If only my Valentine will make me happy. Happy to be surrounded with love like I was free as a bird in the sky. 🐦🐦🐦

After reading my book, I yawned in tiredness before I turned off the light. I snuggled under the soft covers like a cocoon, glancing at the window in a sideward position. I saw a constellation shaped like a heart; it represents as the symbol of meeting someone special just for me. I sighed deeply.

I hoped for a miracle...if only an angel will come down and take me away to a place where I see a romantic paradise like a safe haven. I smiled weakly at the thought. My eyes turned heavy and then, I slowly drifted off to sleep as romantic dreams trying to lure me.

*~The next morning~*

I was sleeping peacefully...as I flipped myself adjusting my position, I felt my back hit against on something hard. I fluttered my eyes open before I sat up slightly and found myself in a strange mysterious land. It looks new to me.

What about my necklace? It's still here around my neck. Thank God! But if I lost it, I'll never find it without a special someone. Because it holds something very important to me and it's the only precious treasure I have in the world. I will cherish it forever when I already found my beloved who unlocked my heart filled with affection.

Fresh Bermuda grass, pink cherry blossom trees everywhere like a forest and a pathway that leads to nowhere. I dusted myself as I stood up from the ground and start walking. I scanned my surroundings...everything is peaceful, serene and silent. I want to know where I am and what really is this place. Still, I am all alone out here...

I walked and walked...but when I looked down, I saw the grass was quite different than the normal green color. It had a mix of yellowish orange like the color of a ripe mango fruit. Really strange to my thoughts. I began to walk a little further to find out.

When I finally reached outside, I saw the most amazing thing I've ever seen: a heart-shaped tree. Its leaves and the grassfield are as red as roses. I was amazed to look at this beautiful sight. I smiled widely as I ran towards it. My heart began to race rapidly like my soul is free, ready to ascend to the heavens.

 My heart began to race rapidly like my soul is free, ready to ascend to the heavens

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My Guardian Angel (Angel!Link x Religious!Reader Oneshots) PART 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ