The Randomest Story

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     It all started on a Monday morning on my way to Ettiquette class...

     I was riding to school on my llama when an eight-foot-tall rat stopped. I said, "Fine morning terry, how are you today?" the rat slowly morphed into Samuel L. Jackson, who whispered in a loud voice, 


     "Yes son, 'tis me. Would you like to ride the llama with me?" 

     The llama then ran away with Sammy on its back, only to leave me by my lonesome. It was then I realized how lonely I was. 

     Then I woke from my deepest slumber. "Well, that was a weird dream." I get up and out of bed to do my morning chores, such as getting dressed and making my bed, water my parents and feed my house. As I looked up, I saw baby Yoda was staring at me with his black, beady eyes. "I don't remember  buying Disney Plus, but I have to get to school." I thought as I ran outside and hopped on my salami bike to go to school.

     It seems I am in a dreamy haze, but I fly to school anyways and wobble into the parking lot on my bike. I barely have enough energy to walk, so I grab my banana phone, and dial the number. After the ringing stops, I honk at the phone, and a goose the size of a horse comes waddling up. I hop on, and we barely make it to class before the bell rings. I honk thanks at the goose, and it straddles off back to its office. I look forward at the whiteboard, and see that Satan's already started class. he was halfway through his lecture about Etiquette, when I fall asleep and have a really weird dream about metal phones and metal bikes, with geese only as high as up to my knee. Weird, right?

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