ride [g.b.d]

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today, for no particular reason, you had that weird gut feeling that something bad was going to happen. turns out you were right. as soon as you got to your posh business building, a young, stupid assistant spilt her boiling hot coffee all over you. all over your expensive white blazer.

you were practically fuming at the ears, yet still tried to remain calm and reserved. luckily, your best friend works at the same place and has an extra blazer for you to borrow, so she was kind enough to lend it to you - so you wouldn't look like a fool with a dirty jacket.

later, you were silently working on your computer when your boss barged in unexpectedly and handed you a humongous pile of paperwork to get done within the next week, which you were furious about because you and grayson were planning to go on an expensive cruise down the coast to mexico.

you politely agreed, but mentally put in a reminder to ask one of your friends for help.

long story short, you were stressed, just overall angry, and tired. like always. as soon as you walked through the door of you and grayson's shared apartment, you felt like passing out - yet you were still mad and needed some time to calm down before sleeping sweetly.

you gently placed your louis vuitton bag, which grayson had bought you this recent christmas, on the counter, took off your heels, and headed to your shared bedroom. you walked through the doorway, not bothering to close the door, and hopped out of your work clothing. you changed into something more comfortable, which was the twins' merch. you were always happy to rep their brand, especially if it's comfortable.

you walked back out of your room and into grayson's office type area. you saw him browsing the internet for another kid cudi hoodie, like usual. he turned his chair around, greeting you with his perfect, warm smile.

"what's up, buttercup?" he asks, reaching his arms out for you to climb into them. you oblige, straddling him softly. you tuck your you head into the nook of his neck, your breath fanning over his chest.

"today was the worst," you complain, your voice cracking because you feel so angry you could bawl.

"don't cry baby," grayson comforts, picking up your head and placing a chaste little kiss onto your cherry-flavoured lips.

you smile up at him and giggle adorably.

"your mustache is cute." you brush it through slightly. it's coarse hair, but still nice and refreshing.

"thank you, baby. you're the only one who thinks that,"

you laugh and book his button nose. "i don't think i'm the only one," you smile.

he laughs and looks to the side. he turns back to you and makes eye contact.

"wanna go on a motorcycle ride to clear your mind?" he questions, knowing that almost always cheers you up.

you nod and get off of him, letting him stand up and stretch after being on top of him for a little bit. he shuts off his computer while you get your shoes on, tying up the laces to your white high-top converse. he slips on his nike airforce 1s and grabs your hand, leading you out of the house to your garage - where his two vehicles sit; his baby blue porsche and his ducati that's matching to his brothers old one.

he opens the garage door and it creaks open as you both hop on. he's on the front, and you're on the back, clinging onto his tight abdomen. you put on your helmets because "we should be safe".

he starts the engine, revving it up and speeding out of the garage, the door automatically closing behind you two.

you go for a cruise around the block but then you switch to the freeway, speeding as fast as you want. you put the side of your head into his muscled back, gazing at the beauty of LA.

it's gorgeous. surprisingly, the road isn't that busy, so it's a lot calmer than normal.

the sky is flying past you, it's tranquil in an odd way that you can't explain. nothing's happening but at the same time everything's happening. it's a sunny, brisk day. clouds roam the skies while you roam the streets.

you cuddle into his back, truly realizing how lucky you are to have the life that you have.

this got really sappy but i'm kinda here  for it? i'm a bitch for soft stuff but sorry if something doesn't make sense y'all

[edit: adding in how i know that gray doesn't have a motorcycle but i didn't want to do ethan because this is DOLAN TWINS ONESHOTS which means both and it's also for the gray girls like me out there 🥺]

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