Part One: The Rose of Reincoster

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It was a dark day when word reached Reincoster of the Black Ship. Cassian of House Amador, the Duke of Reincoster, read the parchment with the King's words carefully. The Crown Prince of Bauschlyn is dead; his royal ship had sunk off the coast of the Valencia Sea, leaving his father, the King with no legitimate heir.

"What of his bastard son?" Cassian handed the parchment back to Goloris, the aging Duke of Aledge who had arrived with the King's letter. He was among the few men Cassian trusted. "The one, my dear wife despises? Did King Jansen not legitimatize him before he joined the faith?"

"He did, but Lord Silas's first and foremost obligation is to church as one of God's many patrons." Goloris raised a silver brow. "Do you truly want a holy bastard on the throne of Tromwell, Cassian?"

The Duke sighed, "If it means that my son is far from that curse of a throne, then yes, I would crown Silas Bellemore myself."

"Princess Isla thinks differently; she fears Lord Silas is gathering a holy army as we speak to take the throne that belongs rightfully to the young Lord Jansen. She'll want you as her husband to wage war."

"Of course she would," Cassian scoffed, "She is a daughter of House Bellemore after all. War is the only way they have ever known. It's truly a wonder how they've kept the throne in their grasp for so long."

"As Royal Regent for your son, you can show this kingdom a different path but you must heed your wife and secure Jansen's succession."

Cassian shook his dark head, already streaked with silver. He was weary and far too old for this. "Contrary to what Isla may believe, I am not her dog. I have fought her father's war against Crescent long enough. Tromwell doesn't need a war being waged within itself, not while the King of Nordome is still our enemy."

The Duke of Aledge breathed a heavy sigh as his white brows drew together, "There are many on the council who fear what this kingdom may come to without a Bellemore king. Perhaps your wife is wise in her course of action. Many would oppose your son's claim and favor Silas for the Bellemore name."

Cassian closed his blue Amador eyes and waved the older lord away, "Leave me, Goloris. I have much to think about."


Alessandra felt free as her horse, gifted to her by her father for her sixteenth birthday, galloped across the open acres of her family's estate.

"Alessandra!" She could hear the breathless laughter of her father's ward, Jon, as he called out to her. "You win! You win!"

She looked over her shoulder, her long golden-brown hair blowing rapidly with the wind and gave him her most dazzling smile.

"Of course, I win!" She calls out, pulling on the reins of her mare to slow him down to a trot. "I always win!"

"We should head back to the castle," Jon motioned his head to the side, and Alessandra's smile faded. "It'll be supper soon, and I am sure Princess Isla is wondering where you have run off too."

Alessandra was in no mood to face the wrath of her lady mother. Since her return from Rosengard where Alessandra's grandfather the King resides, Princess Isla has made it her constant purpose to make her daughter's life unbearable.

"You are the King's granddaughter! You should be behaving more like a proper lady than a mere serving girl, galavanting across these lands with that Maverick boy is not what a proper lady does!"

"Only if you protect me for my mother's fury!" Alessandra teased, and Jon shook his head quickly.

"I fear you are on your own, my lady!" He quipped, "Your mother frightens even me."

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