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Dedication: thanks Pooja for your vote... my first vote

Whenever its a holiday Sanyu stays in Shekhawat's house and play with Parth. Parth loves her so much and pampers her all the time. He is the peacemaker between Sanyu and Randhir who fight like wwe wrestlers.

Whenever Randhir is bored he teases Sanyu a lot and he enjoyed teasing her.
Sanyu is running around in Shekhawat's house while Randhir is watching t.v. Parth was not home.

"why are you jumping around like a monkey. I am watching t.v na chup-chap sit here" Randhir shouted on Sanyu.
"you only monkey" Sanyu return his taunt.
"don't make me angry. Or else... wait" Randhir pinched her hard.
"Maa..." Sanyu started crying. Renu rushed hearing her cry.

"now what did you do rannu" Renu shouted.

"I did nothing mumma, she is the one who is jumping here and breaking our house" Randhir replied innocently.
"No aunty, lannu just pinched me here" Sanyu continued crying.
"this boy is never gonna learn to behave, let your papa come" Renu took Sanyu to bedroom and made her calm. Eventually Sanyu slept.
After sometime Renuka went out. Just then Parth came home and went to his bedroom which he shared with Randhir.

Randhir saw that Parth was busy in their room so he slowly went to his parents room where Sanyu was sleeping. He took his dad's scissors and started cutting Sanyu's hair. Randhir knew how much Sanyu loved her hair. After he was done he came to the living room and continued watching t.v.

Renuka and Harsh were in living room that evening when their phone started ringing.
"Hello Anjali" Renuka received.
"Ha Renu, Sanyu isn't home yet"
"yeah she is sleeping now" Renu said, she liked Sanyu as she always wanted a daughter.
"alright, send her when she is awake" Anjali said.

"Sure. Bye" Renu replied.

As Renu kept the receiver of their land phone, Sanyu came out rubbing her eyes.

"you are up, my princess" Renu kissed Sanyu and made her sit on her lap. Renu noticed Sanyu's hair which was short and panicked.

"who did this, baby" she showed Sanyu her hair.

"mummaaa....."Sanyu started crying loudly.

"rannu.... Parth...." Renu shouted and they both came out of their room.

"rannu... why did you do this" Harsh gripped Randhir's hand and jerked him knowing very well that Parth wouldn't do such a thing that too with Sanyu.

"I swear I didn't dad" Randhir tried to lie under his breath.

"don't lie rannu" Harsh shouted "see him Renu, this is what he is learning at school" and stared at him in fury.

"rannu baccha, lying is a very bad habit. I just want truth from you" Renu tried to talk to him calmly while Sanyu was cring in Harsh's lap. Harsh was trying to pacify her along with Parth by his side.

"mumma don't scold me, I only did that" Randhir said with his head hung low.

"you shouldn't do that son, see Sanyu is crying" Renu explained him and made a peace treaty between Sanyu and Randhir.

"Sanyu don't cry, do not ever cut your hair then it will grow much longer than before" Parth made her sit beside him and made her understand.

Sanyu wiped her tears and saw Parth with her big red eyes.

"ok Parth, I will nevel evel cut my hair, plomise" she pinched her throat.

That day Randhir got a good amount of scolding from all the three of his family members.

After 2 years,

"Parth... Parth" 7 years old Sanyu ran seeing Parth in the park near their apartment.

"What happened Sanyu" Parth asked her passing the water bottle he was carrying as she was breathless.

"Parth when are you going for your summer vacation" she asked.

"I have no idea Sanyu" he sat on the bench beside her "what about you?" he asked her.

"next week" Sanyu said "but i don't wanna go na" her lips curved down.

"just 2 months Sanyu. Then you will be big girl" he pinched her cheeks.

Sanyu went to her grandparents house for her summer vacation.

That summer Parth's father was transfered to another city and they shifted without getting a chance to meet the Aggarwal's as they were not in town.

After her summer vacation Sanyu came to Delhi. The moment she arrived to her house, she ran upstairs to meet Renuka and Parth but their house was locked.

"mumma, where are Renu aunty and Parth" she asked Anjali just like every day.

"I don't know Sanyu" Anjali answered doing something in kitchen.

Anjali got to know that Shekhawat's shifted to another place when she went to drop Sanyu off to school on the rejoining day.

She asked their neighbours and others about their details and nobody knows where Shekhawat's went.

Sanyu used to miss them like crazy. As time flew she made new friends and she stopped missing them but never ever forgot them.

It was in her 11th class when for the first time Sanyu heard about social media website called facebook. She created an account on her friends insistence though Sanyukta never used it frequently.

Only when her father got her a computer in her house, she got to know about facebook in detail. She started using it and one day all of a sudden she thought of searching Parth on SNS.

She tried all possible names and ways to find Parth on internet but failed. She left it once her concentration shifted to her studies.




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